
Guys is this a turn off???during s*x???

by  |  earlier

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when its a girls first time,

& she says it hurts or to stop do u guys

get turned off?? or when they moan from the

pain is that a turn off?? or when the girl says shes scared cause

its her first time i heard alotta guys get fustrated

when a girl says shes scared.




  1. no, not at all, if its a girls first time the male should respect that and know tha there is pain involved, personaly if it was me i wouldnt get turned off or get frustrated.

  2. good answer #1

  3. The first time is going to be painful for a girl. If she ask a guy to stop, it is hard for a guy to stop but he must. Other wise it then turns into rape. Moans can be miss interpeted , the guy may think it is pleasure not pain. If a girl says she is scared because it is her first time, the guy should asure her that he will be as gental a possibe and that there will be some pain and if it hurts to much he will stop. He should not get fustrated at her baecause she is scared  this is normal the first time, he should reasure her. I hope this helps you. Good Luck.

  4. I think most guys would understand and not force the issue.  I don't think 'turn off' is the right term here.  Postponement may fit until things work out.  Believe me, the guy will get turned on again!

  5. nope i dont think it would be a turn off.. just give the girl a break-its her first time!

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