
Guys: is this too much?

by  |  earlier

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Met a guy thru match. We went on 3 dates, our last one being almost 3 weeks ago. We're both kind of shy, guarded adults in our late 20's and have trust issues. Over a week ago he sent me a text me saying that whenever he gets a message from me, it makes him smile. He said it was too hard to resist telling me that, even tho it was cheesy. I told I smile when I hear from him too. But I also added that I smile when I think of him. I haven't heard from him since. It's been a week and a half...

I left him a voice mail yesterday saying I haven't heard from him in a while and wanted to see how he is doing. Didn't hear from him, so today I sent him a wink thru match.

Would u think what I'm doing is too much and would u be annoyed by it or see me as desperate?




  1. See if you are beautiful and pretty and if he really likes you there is no reason to get annoyed just because of this. But as you mentioned he is shy then might be it takes time for his neurons in brain to get activated to give you a proper sign and a good reply.

  2. Relax. It's only been three dates - and you have said you are both kind of shy and guarded, with trust issues. Let him take the next step.  

  3. NOT AT ALL.

    but you gotta be careful, cause it sounds kinda fishy that he hasn't called or texted. don't get hurt or let him do it (hurting :o)) to ya.

    best of luck................met my wife of 5 yrs now on here (yahoo chat)


  4. ditch him and go out with me ;)

  5. He's maybe just been busy, but since you've already left a voicemail message and wink I would now leave it up to him to contact you.  If he's interested in you then he will get in touch.  It doesn't really look desperate if you just leave it at that.  If you were to continue to keep trying to contact him, then yeah, it might put him off.  

    Don't sit about waiting for him to get in touch with you though, go out and enjoy yourself and lead your own life.  Good Luck.

  6. I think you're OK.  Wait a couple of days, send him a text and tell him you're thinking of him and smiling.    Trust me, guys are like boomerangs.  They always come back.  He'll answer up eventually.

  7. no i dont u havent heard from him so it is the right thing to do

  8. it's ok ur reading to much in it

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