
Guys only..pls read on!

by  |  earlier

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OK i posted this in the P&S section, and i got not even one answer, so hopefully i could get atleast one over here.Why is it that whenever you guys watch a game whether it's basketball, Football, hockey etc, u guys get so loud, yelling "Whoa!, Yeah< Wooooo", the reason why i am asking is b/c i am cuious as to know why you guys cannot watch the game in peace, whenever my husband has his boys over to watch the game, they're constantly yelling and screaming all through the game i cannot understand how they can possibly understand the game with all that yelling"Whoa, Yeah, Woo", it's funny to me, but i would like to know what's all the hype about.Thanks for all answers!




  1. i agree with everyone on here except that cool chick person, she&#039;s so rude, anyway yeah it&#039;s b/c they get really excited, and yes it has to do w/male adrenaline too, i have all men in my family, so that&#039;s my source!

  2. i know this Q was posted for the fella&#039;s, but i have the answer, they get completely excited that they cannot control themselves so u know they have to be screaming, yelling, &quot;Whoa, Yeah, or Woo! My man does the same with his!It&#039;s a man thang!

  3. well speaking for the guys on here, it is all about the excitement, and hype of watching the game and enjoying it with their boys, it&#039;s like us girls having a girl&#039;s night out with our girls, well maybe not!

  4. well it&#039;s quite simple... we LOVE our teams! whether its for superbowls, world series.. we just get pumped if our team is in it... and thats why i didnt have a voice after the gmen won the superbowl!! (bigtime gmen fan)

  5. well i know when ever me and my dad and brother watch the Hornets or Saints every good play we yell and (even my mom sometimes) i can&#039;t help it sometimes i just want to see my team do good and i just cheer when we do something good,  

  6. OK i think u won&#039;t get much answers from the guys tonight, there&#039;s the Olympic going on, so if u don&#039;t mind me answering as i&#039;m a chick, they get hyped b/c it&#039;s like male adrenaline going on, excitement of the game, that&#039;s all.

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