
Guys only?this is kinda embarassing...?

by  |  earlier

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k im a 14 year old guy and i think i have a problem.about a week ago i had this sharp stabbing pain in my sack and it stayed like that for days.yesterday i was about to m********e and i found a needle splinter like thing in there.only a like millimeter was showing so i pulled it out and it was almost an inch long!i felt better and i feel no pain or anything but now my right teste(where i think the stinger was)is way lower than lefty.could this affect me in the future?should i see a doctor?i have no idea where this thing came from i just noticed some pain when i was in the shower.thanx




  1. number one its pointless to say boys only my friend did that only girls answered anyway jerk off if s***n comes out theres nothing wrong.

  2. tell your folks, you should see a doctor

  3. Connor is right. And you should tell a doctor because it might be serious...  

  4. Every guy in the world has one that hangs lower than the other, so don't worry about that. However i think a needle getting stabbed in your t******e is a very bad thing it can make you go sterrile in that t******e. I'm not exactly sure what to tell you because if that t******e does go sterrile your second one will produce twice as much sperm to make up for the loss of the other one.. but if you do notice pain and sweeling in the area i would go to a doctor to get everyhtin checked out just to be sure.


  5. id take connor's advise

  6. all guys testicles one is lower than the other but you need to share this whole situation with your dad you could have serious consequences from this.

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