
Guys (or girls)... is this a turn off?

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Are big hips a turn off.

Like I'm not fat but i have rather wide hips.

Some people think they are s**y but others disagree.

what do you think?




  1. no there not just dont point them out and complain all the time about them most guys will like them

  2. ur not fat but u have wide hips? i d say thats kinda cool

  3. My husband loves my big hips. =)

  4. im not a guy obviously lol and im straight and i think that guys like them. ur always hearing about it in songs haha. and also dont worry, i think i have not big but biggish hips in proportion to my body. they are for sure not fat! because i can feel them but sometimes ppl think that my pants are up too high but its really just my hip bone sticking out! haha and all my friends always poke it! lol but its ok theyre just jealous. :)

  5. curves are way better! do u have a big butt too, bc if u do im sure all kinds of guys will want to talk to u. ive always had big hips and a big butt and i never had a problem with people telling me i didnt look good!

  6. Yes, but not to big

  7. there is nothing wrong with big hips

  8. most guys will say thats s**y.  

    differ guys are into differ things...

    but guys will s***w n e thing...

    so don't worry about it!

    they need something to hold on to!

  9. idk but just be happy with who u are i mean it's not like you can change the size of your hips now but maybe try a different style of clothes that make them look smaller if you don't like them or u feel there a turnoff good luck :)

  10. It totally depend on the person.  Some guys like tiny girls, others like curvy girl.  A turnoff for one guy can be a turn on for another.

  11. it might be fat

  12. id have to say a turn on

  13. I'm not a guy or anything but are you sure it's not fat?

  14. Wow, I wish I could have big hips. Don't be ashamed of your body. I've always been skinny and hate it, you should be happy that your body has a shape to it and not just flat and straight

  15. I like big hips =]

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