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whats something your gf does that annoys you?




  1. i dont think im the right person to answer this question, but my boyfriend hates when i get emotional, and yes im a girl

  2. not annoying but more confusing as to why ask for my advice then do the opposite. not always she does this mind you.

  3. Screams my name and not in the good way

  4. talks WAY TOO much...

    There's talking which I'm ok with but she talks WAY TOO MUCH. She doesn't even let me speak!!!

  5. FARTS IN HER SLEEP ..............LOUDLY

  6. Well, my ex-GF would leave her dirty phucken,$hit stain underware in the restroom..

    Now, you know why she is my ex..

  7. 1. When she bothers me with some not important things while I am concentrated on something important.

    2. When she always knows about things more than me, in fact she is clueless in some topics (cars, technologies) that we discuss.

    3. When she doesn't accept my advises..

  8. Wants more s*x constantly.

  9. ummm probably calls me every five minutes...seriously she does

  10. mis-categorizes time we spend together as "making love" when it is just sitting and listening to music

  11. Left me for a convict.

    That really annoyed me.

    Good Times
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