
Guys read this and tell me what you think!?????????

by  |  earlier

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im 16. i don't talk to that many guys because every time i do it feels awkward. not to sound vain, but alot of people think im pretty, but i can't get a boyfriend b/c i can't act normal around them.there has been one guy at my school who constantly is glancing at me and staring, etc. i really really like him. i am so terrible with guys, and get so nervous and weird, that on the first day of class when he sat behind me i moved seats because i got so nervous and freaked out. also, i ignore his glance every time and pretend i don't see him because i just feel so awkward with guys. i think he has given up on me because i ignore his glance and this has been happening over a year with him. i feel really really awkward if i ever like a guy and feel awkward when people find out or if they were to see me flirting. so i never tell my friends who i like.

i understand that guys may not like me because i don't talk to them... i have ZERO guy friends. how can i act more normal and stuff?




  1.'s a weird one.........i gotta tell you,its normal actually......such a phenomenon is quite commonly happening in some teenagers be honest, I can't exactly tell you how you must do for YOU to be normal.......this is because in this context,normal is subjective to yourself...........its okay to be awkward and stuff,but then too much can kill.......try to open your mouth a bit......the easiest thing to be tried is try not to think AT ALL when you try talking to a guy.......don't mess up your mind by thinking about what you are goin' to talk about........just be totally spontaneous.........i know its difficult at first,but then with enough practice and experiences.....then you'll be okay.........remember that experiences is the best teacher especially in such a case........gain as much experiences as you could possibly can..........i leave the rest to you..........

  2. haha i have the same thing with girls im 16 its probably normal, just get to know us were GREAT!! and guys dont judge like girls lol no offence.

  3. you keep saying you cant but why cant you. maybe you should just try. everyone goes though this and if you don't make the effort than you'll never know. you are over analyzing it, guy are people just like girls and they are just as nervous. if your scared you'll do something dumb or embarrassing then its to bad cause guaranteed you will. just try don't let good opportunity's to make good memory's pass you by.

  4. It's ok. Guys are people too (I happen to be one of them). They're just a little different. I know girls are proven to be more emotional (in some cases) than guys but just don't worry about it. Nothing can go wrong. He's staring because he either likes you or he's just fooling around. And about the "normal" thing, nobody is normal. Find one person who's normal, and you'll see that they're not. Normal is boring. Different is good. But really, just lighten up and chill out. Don't take it so seriously and you'll be fine.

    lol I've had to explain this to about 5 girls I know so far :D (you're not alone)

  5. wow....okayy

    i know it might be hard to talk to a hot guy..

    (trust me i know)

    but ask yourself "why cant i do it?"

    is it beacause ur afraid to say/do something stupid?

    maybe because u dont know wat to say?

    well just get a little confidence!

    okay so u know ur pretty right?

    well just have fun! guys like when u act goofy w/them!

    (just dont over do it ;p)

    when ur w/ur friends point out guys

    and say whoa hes hot!

    or wow i like his eyes..

    just so u wont feel akward telling ur friends what guys u like..

    i used to have a hard time talking to guys too..

    but then one day i was like im going to highschool (im a freshmen now)&&

    i have to get over with caring wat ppl think about me!

    so i just started being myself acting dorky & flirting around with guys...if u dont know wat to talk about

    just start blurting out random stuff!

    a converstaion will be sure to pop up...

    just when a guy glances at you

    dont be afriad to smile!

    & u feel akward around guys right?

    okay so just be like why do i feel akward?

    there is no reason to.

    if u like a guy dont be afraid to stare or smlie..

    {if he catches u starring just remember, he was looking too!}

    wow srry so long!

    but hope i helped!


    <3 crystal

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