im 16. i don't talk to that many guys because every time i do it feels awkward. not to sound vain, but alot of people think im pretty, but i can't get a boyfriend b/c i can't act normal around them.there has been one guy at my school who constantly is glancing at me and staring, etc. i really really like him. i am so terrible with guys, and get so nervous and weird, that on the first day of class when he sat behind me i moved seats because i got so nervous and freaked out. also, i ignore his glance every time and pretend i don't see him because i just feel so awkward with guys. i think he has given up on me because i ignore his glance and this has been happening over a year with him. i feel really really awkward if i ever like a guy and feel awkward when people find out or if they were to see me flirting. so i never tell my friends who i like.
i understand that guys may not like me because i don't talk to them... i have ZERO guy friends. how can i act more normal and stuff?