
Guys swimming pool changing room

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in our campus pool changing room almost all the guys are naked.

I realised that some guys have erections but they dont seem to mind! Isn't this weird?

When I get an erection im very embarrassed. What should I do then?




  1. Guest10739
    When I get an erection in the showers, I just turn away from the other guys. Then when no one's looking I leave real fast and get a towel. Getting hard doesn't bother some guys. They just act like nothing's happened. I think they want people to see them erect.

  2. Guest10734
    I never got an erection in the locker room. Never saw another guy get erect either. Although I did get semi erect in the showers once in a while. But I wasn't the only guy that did. You just hurry up and finish and get dressed.

  3. If I get a erection I go off to the toilet and get rid of it. Job Done!

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Latest activity: 9 years, 11 month(s) ago.
This question has 3 answers.


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