
Guys think she's "hott" ?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike there's this girl and ALL the girls think she's ugly but all the guys think she's "hott". she's ALWAYS getting the guys i like first because they think she's "hotter". and i wouldn't mind that bad but all she every does is BRAG AND RUB IT IN MY FACE! she knows all the guys think she's hott and she uses it against me and everyone else. i wish i could be the HOTT girl!!! ugh!! i just wanna rub it back in her face!! what should i do???? help plz!!




  1. Every girls special!! Yeah uys are stupid and don't see what the girls see.That shes just useing thm ect! You don't have to be like her,be yourself and that will jst make her jealious tht ur ignoring her!

    Ignore her,this proves that guys are stupid for wanting jst a HOT girl! The guys who want her are good examples of guys you shouldnt go for.

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