
Guys: truthfully- how much does appearance matter?

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How much does personality/appearance matter?

Which is more important in finding a girlfriend at first?

(teenage guys mostly)

i'm just curious :)




  1. A LOT  sorry we are a fickle creature

  2. appearance matters, but its not everything. id say about 50/50 split.  personally i like girls that are average/a little above average with a great personality over a really hot girl that is a complete airhead. almost always i notice appearance first, because its takes time to get to know someone and their personality.

    im 16 (17 as of TOMMOROW), hope i helped

  3. I am 19 and I think appearance comes first to me to be honest!!!, then personality. Being honest

  4. Ok, all in all for me: I judge on Apperance, Personality, and Style. Apperance is the body, Personality is their dissposition and, well, personality, Style is HOW they act to other people and in general. Style and Personality kinda overlap, but it makes sense in my mind

  5. For me money matters the most.My ex 2 gfs had a lot of money and they looked kinda ok.

  6. To me, well I'm almost 16, so for me, looks should be at least between a 70-75%.

  7. it matters big time. hard to be with someone you don't find attractive. i'll say this though, sometimes a girl isn't pretty at first but if you hang out with her for a couple of months you start to think she's beautiful.

  8. 80-90% to be honest.

  9. 60/40 = P/A

  10. seriously like 80 or 90%

    I'm 16

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