
Guys wat do you think??

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when you have a guy friend that just talks bout having s*x with you all the time wat do you do? does he really wanna have s*x or is he just being a guy? by the way he is 16 and i am 14




  1. if hes a really good guy friend then no, he is just being a guy. ive had guy friends like that. guys talk to eachother about s*x and having s*x...does that mean theyre g*y? no...its just something they like to talk about...but if you just met and arent really good friends and he always touches you and flirts with you...then he wants a little somethin somethin.

  2. for one some friend he is! ur only 14 and whilst alot of kids this age are having s*x personally I think this is way too young! two he is a friend keep him that way friendships get ruined thru things like this, to have s*x with someone u shud first of all have respect for yourself and the other person, and some love shud exist, maybe his hormones are all over the place and he is chancing his luck with u! or maybe he genuinely does like u as ur his friiend but do not just jump into bed with him tell him straight its a no go!

  3. Yeah he probably wants to have s*x with you, and will just move on to the next girl when he gets it.

  4. he might genuinely want to have s*x with you or he could just say this to everyone because he wants to have s*x....and doesnt really care who it's with. i think he probably just wants s*x though - no offence; he's a 16yr old guy...thats all they want. if you were going out you could have s*x but i wouldnt if i was u lol... X

  5. Oh my dear, you are too young to start having s*x. Please wait until you are old enough to understand all the emotional feelings that go along with it.

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