
Guys what do you think about skinny <span title="girls?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????">girls????????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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im 18. i am curious as to know whether guys like skinny girls or not. it seems like guys never tell me i have a "hot" body or i am attractive or whatever.

heres a picture-

people often tell me i have a pretty face so i don't think that is the problem but people have asked me "do you eat?" or "are you anorexic or something?".

i am naturally skinny but it seems like guys don't really like my body ......................... its not like i have a bad personality or anything either could someone tell me what the problem is???

is it that i am too skinny?

could you rate my body 1-10 and tell me what i can improve?

would you date someone with this body????




  1. You have a great bod :) I deal w/ the same problem.. as far as people making rude comments. But if you think about it, usually the circumstances of people saying things like that to you/me are: 1) another girl who is either overweight/close to overweight or a girl who is jealous of you.. or 2) a guy who&#039;s mad about something/ the only guy that ever made a comment like that to me was an angry ex-boyfriend who was drunk. I would rate you a 9. And if this is your regular weight, which it sounds like it is from the info you gave, then don&#039;t worry about what other people think. You&#039;re perfectly healthy. Personally, I would tell you that I was concerned only if you had recently just lost a lot of weight. I remember in high school being taunted all the time about being thin: like girls (even close friends) telling me that &quot;guys don&#039;t like skinny chics&quot; or &quot;you&#039;re way too skinny, go eat a hamburger or something&quot;. But I realize now (7 years later) that these people were more than likely angry about something about themselves and they were just taking it out on me because they could. And I was too insecure to notice it at the time. By my late college years, I think everyone had matured and grown up, I haven&#039;t heard anything like these comments since then. Keep your chin up! You&#039;re beautiful. More than likely, either they guys you&#039;re hanging out with are too immature to give you nice complements or they&#039;re just intimidated to tell you nice things / approach you.

  2. You&#039;re a 9, imo. Not a lot you can change really, you&#039;re very attractive. And, yeah, I&#039;d date someone with your body in a second.

    You&#039;re not too skinny, as long as it is natural.

  3. guys hate skinny girls, they like curvy women over 150lbs

  4. well your body cant be the problem, it looks great!

    theres definitly a point when skinny isnt good though.

    if you lost anymore weight you would probably be in that category..but dont worry about it, it looks good.

  5. do not change a thing god made you beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. You look fine to me.

  7. your too thin...try toning it and building some muscle ... people wont say as many negative things.

    personally...i would gain 20 pounds but do it healthy...good luck

    try not to cair as much of what other ppl say or think...if your happy with your body then f*** them.

    dont listen to the first answer...all guys are different

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