
Guys what do you think

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I left him alone as he wanted and 3 days ago,he called me twice.He asked how i was doing,if i was still at home or at work and what time i will finish.We couldn't talk to long because i was at work.What does he want now?or is he just after S**




  1. It's better to just ask him upfront. What do you want with me? Don't give in to s*x and then you'll see his intentions.

  2. only you can answer that but I suggest that you not have s*x until you are in a committed relationship

  3. Okay.  I know this is difficult, but trust me on this one.  Go with your gut feeling.  If you feel deep down that something is awry then something is wrong.  Don't be afraid to ask him what the deal is.  When you are in a relationship it is eachother's duty to make you feel at ease about the distance that you currently have.  does that make sense?  If he's pushing you away, then tell him that is what you feel.  If he doesn't try to make you feel better about it, then it's time to hit the trail.  There are plenty of men out there that will treat you like gold.  I understand that he is in the military and under much stress.  however, that does NOT excuse his actions towards you.  
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