
Guys?? what do you think when you can see a girls nipples... ?

by  |  earlier

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because for gym, i noticed that you can usually see my nipples through my shirt because my sports bra has no padding. do you care? is it good? bad? because i have no idea, lol. thanksfor answering!! :D <33




  1. that it is nasty

  2. I think &quot;YAY!&quot;

    Yes, it&#039;s a very good thing. You should show them off whenever you want to. Accentuate them, even. They can only work for you, not against you.

  3. I think that the girl wants them to be noticed. If she&#039;s hot then I&#039;m looking, if not I&#039;m probably still looking. If she wants to share, fine. They know when they show and if they don&#039;t want people looking they know how to fix it.

  4. I see it as neither &quot;good&quot; nor &quot;bad&quot; because I consider them to be a part of a normal body that is considered &quot;neutral.&quot;

  5. id think... Hot d**n

  6. i get hard keep doing it!!!!!! :-)

    send me a pic i need to know how bad it is?

  7. it depends if you want to attract pervs and if your a s**t.

  8. From a girls point of view it looks really tacky. Like bending over and showing your crack, or something...

  9. well if i can see ya nipples through ya top then it dosent really do anything for me but if ya nipple was slipping out your top and i could see it properly then WOW ya that will do ikt...

  10. Hot, doesn&#039;t matter.

  11. It&#039;s good. Especially if theyre hard. I love high beams. Be careful though. Some prudes think its trashy.

  12. LMAO. Don&#039;t do that when in gym. Hahahaha.

  13. well if your breast are beutiful is ok but if u dont want get attention maybe you are sending a wrong message to guys. if  they are ugly breast that look disguisting even if  u want attention

  14. well for girls unless ur a L*****n we don&#039;t wanna see that so wear a padded bra please

  15. if you want to hide them, wear small band-aids on them!

  16. Depending on the situation, if your titty just falls out, its kinda funny.

    if you can see it threw the shirt it can be kinda hot.

  17. Raina:  i&#039;m sure they notice and they care and i&#039;m sure they really don&#039;t mind....

  18. VEry Hot!!

  19. good if ur hot, nasty if ur not

  20. depends on if your fat or skinny, and pretty or ugly lol

  21. Raina,When I notice a girl&#039;s nipples poke through her shirt.  I get mixed feelings.  In a way,I feel excited to see them.  And then in another way,I feel guily because I am noticing them.  I believe in my mind as well as my heart that a female&#039;s body is both beautiful and sacred.  Women are beautiful in all shapes and sizes.  I would care if I noticed your nipples.  I would probably walk over and give you a compliment and then apologize myself for noticing.  And I want to thank you for giving me this chance to answer you.  I am truly in awe over you.  You work out?  That is so fabulous.  There could be that reason why your nipples show.  If it troubles you so,Hon,Try wear something with padding underneath.  Who knows who shows up at these Gyms.  Especially if they notice someone so attractive as you.  I hope this answer has helped you out some.  And if not,I am terribly sorry.  My name is David and it&#039;s been truly an honor writing to you.  Especially discussing something as personal as your nipples.  I admire you for that also.  Didn&#039;t have to do it,But you did it none the less.  I respect you not only as a person,But as a woman.  A woman who is not afraid to talk about her nipples.  Raina,I&#039;ve gotta split.  I&#039;m sorry I must part.  You have a goodnight and God bless.  Bye for now.

  22. what kinda question is this?

  23. well i have found that its a little embarrassing to hang around someone with their nipples poking out. i would get a better padded bra.

  24. Of course it depends on the girl, so I&#039;ll just assume you&#039;re attractive. Honestly, it is a small turn on, but about equivalent to a small amount of cleavage, nothing to be embarrassed about I don&#039;t think, especially if you&#039;re comfortable with your body.

    _Also, I watched the women&#039;s beach volleyball in the olympics and the whole world could see their nipples through their sports bras- it&#039;s not a big deal.

  25. i think HELZ YA!!! ...sorry but thats what i think

  26. I think ............Holy moly .................

  27. i dont mind it.:P

  28. shes Horny....?

  29. well i think your kinda S****y but really hot!!

  30. I&#039;m not a guy...but I can answer this because I have a lot of guy friends and they all like it.  So, I guess its good if you want that kind of attention. You don&#039;t need to wear a sports can wear tanks that have built in bras.  

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