
Guys what female zodiac has the best s*x?

by  |  earlier

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I' m dying to know if Aries is one of them. I'm an Aries and I have to refrain from certain people because I have been told how good it is and how much chemistry I have.




  1. Best I had was/is with Aries, Leo, Cancer. Problem is if you want more, like a relationship, Aries & Cancer will drive each other nuts. I "KNOW" 1st hand on that one.

  2. cancer females

  3. Seductive ability often goes hand in hand with subtlety.

    Guess you lose there.

    The seductive ability of a female is shown by her venus sign. You may be an Aries sun, but this doesn't show your sexuality. Look up your Venus position. You may also want to look up Mars.

  4. pisces girls

    they're willing to do whatever their partner wants to please them

  5. Leo's are the passionate so if that is what you are looking for then a Leo's bed is the place to be. Be careful though because their relationships can be overly fiery at times.

  6. hmm I'm a cancer. As long as the s*x feels natural. Idk I always notice guys seem more attracted to me then I am to them. I am very instinctive though and open minded and not shy about my body. I like when its long because it is just spending really good quality time with your partner. I mean quickies are fine.. but honestly whats the rush? Having a connection and feeling good is important.

    I think all the zodiacs are good at s*x. Its all different. Whats important is who you sleep with. One night stands can be fun I guess... but having someone that you know feels the same about you is just more worth while.

  7. durr scorpio.

  8. Im thinking they all have their unique qualities and it isn't a competition to me. Some signs may be better at stuff than others but that's me. I'm a Taurus and I know their known for being stubborn and I know I'm that ALOT!!!!  lol ;)

  9. um.... are you serious?  You think that the common birthdates of a sign is the key to a knowledgeable and well performing s*x partner?

    How is it possible for you to believe that?  What does their birthdate matter when it comes to s*x?

  10. You sound just like my best friend and she's an Aries too. I don't think you can say one sign is the "best" because we're not all compatible with each other. From what she says, she's amazing in bed and what she's looking for is to leave her man in awe of her abilities but I don't hear much from her about satisfying the guy. it's always about her. I'm a Cancer and our styles are completely different, I need a deep emotional connection, alot of trust, and eye conntact, for me it's not just s*x, it's way more. She likes a complete workout in as many positions as possible and doesn't quiet understand the whole deep emotional thing (and no, she doesn't sleep around). I like to spoil the h**l outta my guy and instinctively know what he wants, it turns me on to turn him on. She just want to get hers. I like to spend hours in the act, she's more of a 30mins kinda girl. And fianlly, she likes to hear how amazing she is or that she's the best. Those words do little for me cause I can just look in his eyes and know exacally what he's thinking,  the words I love you is what gets me off.

    Cancer sun/moon, Pisces rising

  11. there are only 12 signs. So even if Aries is the "best s*x" sign... it's only better than 11 other people - you know what I mean? More important than your rising sign is the position of Venus, and the situations pertaining to the 12th House (the house of sexual pleasures). Just by sign alone you can't tell who has good s*x and who is a bore.

  12. duh cancer

  13. duh..what a silly question !

    It is like asking what kind of food do you like best..

  14. ok talk about a big ego!

    anyways, you cant say who has the best s*x just looking at the zodiac sign, its deeper than that, depending on aspects in the birth chart, its usually aspects  or placements to pluto, mars, venus (depends on which sign)and the 8th house that deals with s*x, some people view s*x in different ways . . . some as a way of getting satisfaction, others fun, others an emotional bond . . .

    try that link . . .

    may tell you something . . .

    but if you are wondering just based on the stereotypes of the signs and s*x . . . aries are known to be very horny and getting it over and done with and getting satisfied as quick as possible, not usually satisfying their partner . . . but as i said before, this may not be true for all arian peopl,e as it depends on other placements in the chart . . .

  15. lol only like 4 guys answered this and one of them wasn't even giving a straight answer

    I've known a passionate Aries man but he only lasted like half an hour, leaving me feeling kinda short-changed, but he still wasn't on my level when it came to s*x. I didn't understand his s*x, it was sheer physical.

  16. cancer but relationship will not last you long,real good s*x , better then most. you'll find out.

  17. Not a guy, but Gemini has got to be in there.

  18. A: Again, if you don't believe in astrology then why are you on this board????

    B: Aries are known for being the masters of the quickie.  They don't need more than 10 minutes to  have a good time.

  19. um.... are you serious? You think that the common birthdates of a sign is the key to a knowledgeable and well performing s*x partner?

    How is it possible for you to believe that? What does their birthdate matter when it comes to s*x?

  20. I agree with court sport :)

    Venus in Pisces

  21. Why are there so many haters on here??? Let the girl boast and feel good about herself! What does that say about all of you haters? You all must be lacking what she isn't!

    You go Aries!!!

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