
Guys what nationality of girls do you prefer?????

by  |  earlier

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10 pts if you can guess my nationality....

-i have green eyes

-i have dark brown curly hair

-i have medium skin but tan easily

-im skinny but have curves




  1. Human most of the time.

  2. i like it all!

    hm italian?

  3. Africa in the main land  

  4. Let's put it this way. Your hot and have a nice personality, then any nationally. : )

    Plus looks aren't even everything. I love spanish and chinese women a lot. Probably because I have lighter features and opposites do attract.

  5. European?

    I like british girls

    even though I'm American

  6. mmm Irish?  thanks 4 answering mine!


  7. Sorry.. g*y!

  8. I don't care wat nationality the girl is.  As for u I d k  American?

  9. iltalian


  10. Are you an Alsatian? That is are you from Alsace?

    Si non, accepter mes excuses,   Wenn ja, wie geht es dir Ich hoffe, Sie sind gut.


  11. Are you Puerto Rican?  I am.

    I don't care what a girls nationality is, as long as I like her.

    Race doesn't matter.

  12. I prefer Italian.

    You are.....Italian?

  13. australian? i am, and i look similar to that. :)

  14. Oh you are definitely from Zimbabwe  

  15. nobody cares sorry.............

  16. greek?  

  17. Middle eastern, italian, russian or french  

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