
Guys: what would u do if a girl did this to u?!?!?

by Guest55708  |  earlier

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Guys: what would u do if u were raped?!?!?

ok i read sumwhere that a guy got in a car with 3 women and they raped him at gun point. now i know this is prlly every guys dream, mine included, but when i really think about it, id be freaking out, prlly terrified for my life. seriously would u enjoy sumone holding a fully loaded gun to ur head, and telling u what to do and if u dont. BAM!! ur done. so whats ur opinion of this, girls can answer to. or wat would u do in this situation?

heres the link for more info:

my opinion:

of course if sumone holds a gun to your head, im callin the cops for sure, tho it would be emberrassing. but if they , or one girl manage to pin me down or tie me up, then i might be to embarrassed to call the authorities.




  1. I would sue in civil court. Men never get justice in the judicial system.

    Something similar happened in the UK, remember seeing on the news's over here where 3 british girls kidnapped and sexually/assaulted- abused a young male for several hours.

            The reality of such an event is traumatic, but the courts in the UK gave those girls probation+ detention.

           The UK court's are a shining example of feminist law.


  2. I wouldn't submit, I'd rather die than be ordered about by scum.

    Afterwards, I'd do everything I could to hunt them down and waste them for  that affront to my dignity.

  3. obviously he felt violated and reported it to the authorities to try and catch those desperate b*itches to get revenge and make them pay for their wrong,I mean really why didn't they just buy a d**n vibrator??? perverts

  4. " i know this is prlly every guys dream, mine included..."

    This, as well as many other classic attitudes toward rape and sexual harassment, comes from a distinctly different idea of the type of person to commit such an act when men think about it and when women think about it.

    In our society, many studies have shown that men are much more likely to try to make advances on someone 'out of their league' than women are.  Women gauge their own sexual appeal, and as a general rule do not approach anyone they view as 'above' them, while most men do not appear to withhold sexual advances from women they view as significantly more attractive than themselves.

    As a result, when women think of being sexually harassed or raped, they typically think of the sort of undesirable men who usually hit on them: ugly, fat, old, gross men, by whom sexual harassment or rape would be a horrifying prospect.  Men, by contrast, who rarely receive advances by women much less attractive than they are, imagine being sexually harassed or raped by attractive women, which isn't all that bad of a situation.

    So if you're having trouble understanding why rape (even rape that doesn't threaten one's life, such as sexual advances that are difficult to refuse for reasons of professional power, or other such reasons) is a horrifying thing, try replacing the s**y, attractive young women in your fantasy with disgusting, ancient, obese hags who probably have hygiene-related infections, and you might be able to better understand why we regard rape as abhorrent.

  5. Rape is a crime and if you think people enjoy being raped then you need some serious education about victims of crime.  Guns, knives at their heads, whilst being gang raped.  The victim doesn't enjoy it because it's a violent crime.  They get injured - emotionally and physically, some die.  You need to get this fantasy out of your head as fate might deal out the real thing, but it won't be enjoyable.

  6. its VERY s**y, i like chicks with guns, if i surrender to s*x and do what they want, they wont kill me, and if worse comes to worst i always have a gun with me at ALL times

    EDIT: its very embarrassing to go to the police about girls raping you, thats why feminists think that only men rape, women also rape but they go unreported

  7. austin is right, if the women were s**y most guy wouldnt mind, but if she was ugly and fat, it would be horrible just to think about

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