
Guys who have had children??

by  |  earlier

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When your wife gave birth to your son or daughter, did it gross you out or did you find it beautful and amazing??




  1. It is both. It is a mess, and felt for bad for my partner but I was amazed of what can out from all of the pain , struggle and bloody mess.

  2. my husband thought it was the coolest and most beautiful thing in his life to witness.

  3. It was awsome! But I felt horrible for my wife! But I could never have let her go through that alone and will be always able to say, I cut the cord!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. im a girl, but i thought i would answer.

    my bf insisted that he didnt want to see any of it.

    he said that it would gross him out, and didnt want to be involved.

    well he was there, he said he didtn really watch, and the blood and stuff was gross, but when our son came out, he thought it was amazing.

  5. Another woman answering for her husband here, lol.

    My husband has been with me in both our deliveries and will go with me for our third. He participated in each one with helping me, he cut the cord on both kids and held them straight after they had been checked. It was the only time I think I have ever seen him cry without alcohol in his system. He didn't pay attention to the blood or the gore, he did actually see the delivery with both children (I didn't want him to look and he confessed after, lol). I don't think he thought it was beautiful, but definitely amazing. What we got after ward was the beautiful part (the baby)

  6. I asked my fiance your question (I had a c-section..but he has 3 other children who were all given birth to vaginally) He said it was gross....pretty much discusting. Not at all beautiful and amazing.

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