
Guys: why are u sooo picky??

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*girls feel free to answer if u can relate:)

*ok, so my weekend was a disaster and to make a long story short, my crush ask me out on sat. and of course i said yes and for the first time i was intimidated cuz girls are all over him all the time:(

*anyway we get to talkin and he starts naming all the things he looks for in a girl, like he has a mental list in his head, how she always has to have her makeup on right, her hair has to look good, she has to be a certain height and a certain weight..blah, blah. omg, i cant believe guys really think like that! i was so disappointed after that night, cuz i knew i could never go out with this guy again, his "standards" were way too high.

*why do guys have their standards sooo much higher than girls do? girls kno that guys will be guys and thats it. Guys think that girls have to be perfect, no joke, like PERFECT, or they'll try to find someone else.

*are all guys like that? from my experiences, they are, but im only 16 so that doesnt say much...




  1. Honostly, I'm not very picky at all, I just don't want someone extraordinarily ugly, but make-up and hair style means nothing to me, he was probably just setting standards because he's conceited.

  2. His standards weren't high.  His standards were low and superficial.

    Not all guys are like that, however, the ones who are not are hard to find.  I'm one of the guys that looks for deeper qualities such as morals, intelligence, a sense of humor, and goal-orientation.  

    Here's the problem:  Most girls don't know what they want at your age.  It is a very good thing that you see that.  Most girls your age just go for the attractive guys with gimmicks (fast car, motorcycle, sports figure, etc).  Just because someone is attractive on the outside doesn't mean they are on the inside (there's a lot of cliche's I could use, but I'm sure you get the point).

    So, the guys who look for the "right" things are usually ignored.  After all, what 16 year old girl is looking to find "the one" right away?  I'm sure you know a guy who is looking for the right qualities in a girl.  You probably don't see it though.

    Here's my advice to you:  Superficiality goes both ways; just as guys seem to only go for looks, so do many girls.  Consider it a learning experience.  It's very smart and mature of you to see that at an early age.  Keep that as a "filter" to filter out the guys who are only in it for looks.  You'll be much happier in the long run when you do find the right guy.  Trust me- I'm in the same boat but towards women hahaha.

    Good luck and I hope this helped

  3. mm yeah i totally understand!

    i seriously couldn't care less if a guy had horrible hair.

    i only care about hygiene and maybe a little bit of attention to their looks.

    like wearing old navy and stuff like that is cool.

    i'm so sick of all the guys at my school drooling over the girls who spend hours putting on their makeup and doing their hair!

  4. some guys are just sucks! but they will realize that thiers no girls who really fits on thier standards.. wahahaha

    i think' you should meet more guys and observe 'em..

  5. Men may seem picky, but in the end, we are still human. We still end up falling for those we least expect, because in truth, only the heart has a say in regards of whom we fall for. It is us who choose whether or not to act upon those emotions in the end. If he likes those kind of women, it does not mean he will end up falling for someone like that. You see, the wonder of falling in love is you don't see it coming - thus, more often than not, you fall for someone you realize you never knew you always wanted. To stress this, let me ask you - did you expect to fall for a guy like him? Did he fit your previous wishes for your kind of guy? No, right? But you fell for him all the same. That's why I'm telling you to be more patient. He may or may not end up liking you, but you'll never know unless you try. Furthermore, if you don't like him, then just move on. You are indeed young, and you shouldn't worry about finding a nice, wholesome guy because you've got a LOT of time, and a LOT of possible picks that are right under your nose.

    Sure, a lot of guys may like to be hyper-critical or petty and picky in terms of their kind of women. It's still just superficial expectation. It's just wishful thinking. Women do it too. It's not fair to generalize your idea of men as this species that is shallow and single-minded. A lot of us aren't, and those who sound like this, in all actuality, are simply being shallow. In the end, they may think it, but never go through with doing it. Even women want all the best things. The difference is in time, these petty wishes are whisked away the moment we find that our hearts choose for us. Perhaps this is you just being frustrated he hasn't taken notice. Fret not though. Try chasing him a bit. Proximity often leads to more intense emotions. Hang around him, even as a friend. If he stays single long enough, he just might end up liking you. If not, then just find someone else dear. It's no good crying over someone who doesn't really merit your tears ;)

    Oh, and by the way, if he did mean that he NEEDED you to have all those things, he never would have agreed to going out with you ;)

  6. wow that guy is very shallow. hes not worth it.  

  7. well not for me, all i need is a good attitude and at least an average look n ill b fine :]

  8. Um... Not every guy is like that.... I think your 'boyfriend' has some kind of OCD and can only have one certain girl...and why would he tell you that if you didn't match up? What a freak...

  9. Uhm NOOOOO!!! Your crush is what we nice guys call a shallow pompous ********. Personally I don't care if a girl wears makeup or not. I don't care what she weighs as long as she takes care of her body and is in good health. I personally am nothing like that guy but hey we can't all be arrogant jerks. The reason he can get away with acting like that is because he has girls all over him so you girls make it easy for him to pick and choose from the herd.

  10. wow you arent stereotyping at all. i mean just because that a*****e is picky doesnt mean we all are.

  11. No this guy is just been spoiled by all the female attention hes been getting, your young so you prolly don't know guys are not picky at all! We will s***w anything that moves , women are the picky ones , and this guy who is acting like a woman.

  12. Haha I feel your frustration. It's always like that in high school, and it will always be like that. But trust me, later on, it gets better. They start to learn to grow up, and focus more on what's important. And btw, I think you just got a bad one that time. I mean, when I was in high school, guys were jerks, but no guy would have the nerve to mention a whole list of specific things a girl needs to do to meet his standards. Sounds like you just got a jerk this time. Don't worry, it gets better.

  13. Not all guy are like him. He's just has no manners and it will catch up with him relatively soon.

  14. Yes, I can relate to what you're talking about.

    But guys like that I just say "bye-bye!" I'm confident enough about my 'im'perfect self to not try to impress anybody.

    But no, all guys are not like this. My boyfriend, for instance, doesn't like make-up. (I never wear it anyway.) He's sweet like that, though. He doesn't care how much I weigh.. or look. He just likes me for me.


    And that's what I love about him.

    It actually sounds like your crush hasn't come to terms with the reality of it all. Nobody can be perfect all the time to match his criteria.

    Don't put yourself down about it, but then just tell him you're not perfect all the time.

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