
Guys why are you scared to talk to girls you like?

by  |  earlier

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i am in 12th grade and this guy at my school i think likes me. because i noticed him staring at me from afar when he thinks i don't see him.

but when we are near each other he does not stare.

the other day when we were getting seat assignments we were all standing and it felt like he intentionally bumped into me. i felt his shoulder and arm bump against my back and shoulder even though i wasn't in his way. he didnt say anything and kept walking.

ive seen him glance at me lots before sometimes in class before he sits down he glances in my direction.

i sit next to a guy he knows in class and he walked over and told him some inside joke and stood there talking for about 1 minute and it seemed like he pretended i dont even exist because he did not look in my direction AT ALL although i looked at him a little while he was there because i think he wanted me to look at him. it was like he came over to talk to his friend to impress me or something?

i dont know but i like him so when he looks/stares at me what should i do? i often ignore it. but i like him. what do i do? and why is he not afraid to talk to his friends right next to me but has never appproached me? the staring has been going on over 1 year.

hes outgoing in class but i do not know if that is because his friends are there.




  1. u should just talk 2 him 1st it would prolly make him more comfortable

  2. I wish i knew the answer to this question my life would be so much easyer

  3. Well i know when i like a girl  we become like numb. and we cant talk to you because if we do were afraid gibberish might come out and we say something stupid

  4. It's simple. Most guys are self concious. And just scared. They don't want to be rejected. Who does? But yeah sometimes they might not want to ask you out. Maybe you should have a friend of yours talk to him and be like "Oh so what do you think of......(name). I think she likes you" or something along those lines. I am the same way. I never like to ask girls out because I don't like rejection. Just do what I said and I think you should be fine. Hope everything goes well!  

  5. besides being scared of rejection he might just figure that you would just reject him anyway so he won't even try. do what the other's say and talk to him.

  6. He definitely could be scared. Guys have all the pressure to initiate relationships and with this comes the fear of rejection. It's the 21st century--throw him a curve ball (or a break) and talk to him first. Ask him out or something. He'll be really surprised, and since he's been staring at you he probably is interested in you. Don't waste any more time...a year is too long and soon senior year will be over!

  7. I  donno i had a crush on my gf for 6months>.>; and it turned out she had a crush on me as well!

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