
Guys wont talk to me anymore?

by  |  earlier

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i let them know first thing before they get their little hopes up that i like girls. you know? haha and they stop talking to me immediatly. i dont have any guy friends now . and im afraid my girl friends will stop talking to me too.




  1. maybe your just a little too open with your sexuality

    sometimes its not everyone's business who you have s*x with.  If a guy tries to talk to you just treat him like acquaintancee not an adversary.  Lots of people still have very negative feelings about g*y people.  The L*****n friends either dont hang around because they are attracted, are not attracted or think that our not really g*y and its a faze.

    Quick story: little cousin was a cheerleader and she started hangin around and makin out with g*y females.  For a couple of years they were cool but the type of lifestyle that these girls lived was very reckless and judgemental, anyway the g*y bars that she hung out at were very sleazy with lots of drugs and fights and girls would beat up other girls for talking to their girl( studs and fems right?)  Anyway, after a while she found out that that type of lifestyle wasnt for her and now has a boyfriend and a litte boy.

  2. This has nothing to do with this question btu you answered my question about fetish's and stuff....

    And i figured iw ould answer your answer your question...

    No dead people but animals, **** ya, ANYTHING!! You name it...

  3. well if your losing people in your life over this you shouldn't really be sad or worried because obviously you don't need them there.don't let people tell you what to do and how to act if they don't want to be around you then that's more love for the people who really matter in your life:)

  4. bad girl

  5. Your problem could stem from simply providing too much information too soon. If these are your friends, view them as such and stick to whatever activities or social events that bring you together. If someone wants to know your sexuality, or it becomes an issue, consider letting him or her bring it up. If you force this personal information upon them, you may alienate girls and boys who are not sure of their own sexuality...after all, the only girl you really know is a L*****n is the one who goes to bed with you. And I doubt if you will lose everyone in your life. Being g*y or L*****n does test the limits of some types of friendships. Friends who shun you for just being  you are really not your friends, are they?

  6. Well you look like a young teen. Just part of life. People grow up and change who they want to be around. Dont worry you will get thru this phase.

  7. if they don't care enough to stick around and except u for who u are then they aren't really worth it anyway. as far as ur L*****n friends that don't hang out with u anymore, i cant say, I'm not them but its the same thing.

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