With all of the movement towards going "green", this one little switch could eliminate a lot of the more than two billion disposable razors that are discarded every year. That's a lot of plactic (petroleum based) and steel wasted if you ask me.
I made the switch to straight razors about two years ago, not for "green" reasons but because I just thought it was cool. It was a fairly easy switch (some practice yes but not that hard) and I absolutely love the results. They really do give much more comfortable shaves.
It was just recently that I realized I wasn't buying disposable razors or cartridges anymore so without trying I was helping the enviroment. I've got one razor that was my great grandfather's. With proper care and maintainance, it will shave my great grandson just as well as it does me. Now THAT is eco-friendly and ultra cool at the same time.
Ladies I think you could use them too but the double edge razor is probably more user friendly on the legs and underarms.