
Guys would you get jealous off of this?

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would you get jealous if your ex-girlfriend keeps telling you about a guy who she is dating and telling you how he is doing things that you were not doing? Would you feel the need to compete with this guy? and perhaps ask her questions like where is he taking her, does she has a pic of him, and is the s*x better than yours? If a guy was like this what can you say about this individual? Does he still has feelings for her or what?




  1. yea a lil jealous..  

  2. I would say good for you.At least I'm not going out with you.

  3. Not even! Why get jealous?! She is an EX!!

  4. An ex is an ex for a reason...just because she is purposely trying to get you jealous by rubbing this all in your face is no reason to compete with the guy...she obviously wasn't worth it before, so just because some other dude is in the picture, it shouldn't change your feelings. She is really trying to get you back or to get you angry...why don't you move on and find a girl to suit you and not talk to your ex, or at least not as much.  

  5. Why would I be talking to my ex-girlfriend??  Sounds to me like both need to move on, it's over already.  Just let bygones be bygones and go separate ways.  The end.

  6. I personally think you shouldn't rise to it try to let it go over your head as she is just trying to make you jealous and it sounds like its working! its not nice but its what some of us girls do I'm afraid

  7. No I wouldn't be jealous. There's a reason she's called an EX-girlfriend.

    You need to let her do what she wants cause she's over! You don't take care of her anymore.

  8. Yup hes still wanting her approval deep down.

    dont worry, he will get over it with time.  

  9. Why, you broke up for a reason. If you choose to remain friends - deal with it. But the girl is a idiot for discussing these things with her ex bf.

  10. The ex girlfriend would only be saying things like that under 2 conditions.

    One she's a *****.

    Two she still has feelings for you and wants to talk to you.

    Just ignore her, and NO I wouldn't get jealous, because why would I get jealous of someone who talks smack to my face?

  11. no..

    i just wouldnt talk to her

  12. If she's an ex I most probably won't care but at the same time I don't want to hear about anything she's doing after because that's just disturbing. I would tell her that I don't want to hear it because we're not like that anymore and my business is my business, yours is your so don't talk about it.

    I would have to add that an ex to me would mean more trouble than if she was just a friend right from the beginning. That is why I don't like to talk much to an ex. I'd talk to her for just enough long for her to get it out of her system while I'm doing the same.

  13. I wouldn't care, but then again I probably wouldn't be in contact with my ex. I got away from her for a reason and that's NOT to be in contact anymore. Anyways, I would tell her I hope your new man likes to play that game she loves so much called A ss to Mouth... lol

  14. I am not a guy but I am offended by this.  You should be too.  She is playing games and seeing what she can get off of whom and that shows she is selfish and a drama queen.  Do you want someone that dishonest and high maintenance?    Tell her to go to her boyfriend and have a good life.  He is welcome to  have a lot of heartache ahead of you if you stick with her...and she will end up leaving you.

    You sound too mature and too nice to put up with this....don't be that nice!

  15. There would be some jealousy if I were in this guys shoes. But I wouldn't try and  compete. I'd just be like "I don't really care. You're a *****." I think he still has feelings for the girl if he cares about her saying those things.  

  16. ummm...get over her and seriously stay out of her business it stopped being any of yours when you two broke up

    and if she is talking bout the stuff that he does better that means she probably still likes you and is trying to make you jealous the best thing to do is get over her get a girl and flaunt her like a girl flaunts a versauche purse.

  17. shes just being insecure and trying to make you jealous.

    typical girl move, its nothing new.

  18. Well sometimes is very difficult to control your feelings may this individual has some feelings for the ex  

  19. Jealous ... No, But I might think she still has feelings for him as she is trying to peek his interest ... perhaps teach him how "she likes things" .... Ex's are Ex's for a reason .... keep your head in the game... focus on the ball. If the person wasn't right for you the first time and years haven't lapsed ... they are not right now. Move on ... let the person infatuated with the new toy enjoy it and find your own new toy .... Be Happy !

  20. depends on the guy really if he is the jealous type or if he couldn't care less

    me personally i would probably laugh as the new guy will always be sampling 'sloppy seconds' or every time he kisses her lips it will be on his mind that they were kissing something of mine before!

  21. forget about her

  22. no she is the EX --- its over what she does now is none of my business or interest --- best wishes

  23. 'You don't realize you miss something until it's gone'

    It's the idea of what you had but can't have now, it's a childish state of mind that even I can't avoid at times...

    It can be one of 2 scenarios.. First being he just wants all options open to him, he wants every girl he's had to be available when he pleases. This is a terrible state of mind to be in, but it's just a thing of greed.

    Secondly it could be that he does like her, I've had 10 girlfriends, most of which I wouldn't care less if they had a new guy. But their is 1 or 2 who have a boyfriends, and jealousy drives me up the wall. It does provoke me to ask questions of how he treats them and make me feel I can treat them better.

    But I don't believe in fate I'm sorry to say, there's plenty more fish in the sea, and if the relationship falls apart, he well be there to pick her off her feet, he's the kind of guy who can't wait for the rebound.

    It's a clouded vision of feelings for her. A mix of jealousy and desire are not a good combination :(

  24. If a current girlfriend was talking about her ex, then yes I would feel jealous and a bit peeved.  But if an EX-girlfriend of mine was yapping on at me about anything in HER dating life, clearly trying to get my goat, then I would get the distinct impression that she was trying to get back with me, manipulating me, trying to be seductive. Time to either take her again...or file a restraining order.

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