
Guys would you wait 4 years to have s*x with your GF?

by  |  earlier

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i think i know the answer but out of boredom i decide to ask so NO YELLING.

well see my bf and i have been dating for 7 months now and because he in college all the way in Texas and me here home in Indiana living with my mother while i go to college we wouldn't be having s*x any time soon.

i was wonder if you both were going to college and as far away as we are along with you gf not able to afford birth control ( although you could get condoms but as-till) would you wait to have s*x wit her.

see I'm waiting until i got my own place and can buy birth control.

and was wondering do you think he would wait.

i know a lot of things change in fours year i know that form high school ( although i still dislike ignored people)

i would still be in school (pre med) but he would be your thoughts?




  1. i say depends the on gal. some guys are with girls for looks. others like myself have to have both looks, smarts, and personality

  2. you must wait until you and him are married not just waiting for your own place and buy birth control...

    marry first before thinking about s*x

  3. if ur bf really loved u then yes he would

  4. if he's anyone worth keeping, he'll wait :)

  5. Ok If he really loves you he''ll wait


    If he just wants to use you then he won't

    and nobody wants a user anyway.

  6. Yes, yes I would

  7. if he loves you he'll wait

  8. If he really loves you, he'd wait a lifetime before having s*x.

  9. Yeh if we had known eachother 4 a while id have no problem but like u said people do change u might find eachothers personality different.

  10. everybody is going to say if he loves u he'll wait....i highly doubt that mayb if he lves u he will sleep around and not tell you then come back to u after college and be yours....4 years is a long time...especially for men being in their prime and jus havin s*x thrown there way....and then when u add his friends into the equation teasin him and all that...i will be seriously surprised if he waited

  11. Girl! Maybe you could wait! But that guy is not gunna wait another week! If men want s*x they will get it no matter what! I'm sorry to say but it's the truth! So if i were you buy or steel those freaking condoms and give it to your man! Or he will find someone who will!

  12. Ummm, why four years?  In that time you could get married.  If you don't love him enough to get married, end the relationship.  Sleeping with him without being married is really going to complicate things.

  13. Congrats on actually being responsible about this? But as someone who has been through college, I'm going to be completely frank with you: It probably won't last anyway.

    You're probably thinking "Oh no we're different from most couples" or "we're strong enough to make it last" or something similar, but you aren't. Listen: 7 months is not long at all. It is a blink of an eye in the world of relationships. If he is not immediately willing to wait over 4 years, drop him all at once. If he is, good for you, but do not lose your resolution in this. This is an important thing, and lord knows we need more teenagers who aren't going to just open their legs up, even if they think they're "in love".

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