
Gym class tomorrow ?

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Tomorrow is the first day of gym class where we actually have to change our clothes in front of everyone. The thing is, I'm really scared to do that.... I'm not confident with my body you know?

Soo, can you give me some advise to help me be less scared? (:




  1. don't worry. everyone probably feels that way.

    if it helps, wear a tank top under your clothes and keep it on :)

    that's what i usually do.

    or during winter put a sweatshirt over your normal clothes.

    but you're going to have to get used to changing in front of

    other people eventually. just remember you're not alone :]  

  2. face your fear. it's not as bad as it seems. I had the same feelings at first once but after you do it everyday your fears subside and besides, it's not like the girls are going to be staring at you. they probably feel the same way. all they care about is changing and not about how every ones body looks like. if it make you more comfortable wear an under shirt or something.

  3. Lol, same. I change in the stalls. lol, if they have them. If not change in the corner.

  4. You could either skive off, just **** off home for the duration of the class or get your parents to write a note to the teacher saying you have a sore back and it hurts when you bend or turn.

  5. others will probably be getting dressed and not paying attention to you, but you can go into a cornor - seprate row of lockers - bathroom stall -what have you,  and change. it''ll  be fine.

  6. You don't have bathrooms you can go into and change? Well their is nothing to be ashamed about. No one will make fun of you and i doubt any girl will be looking at you when changing

  7. Not really sure why this is in P&S but I will answer anyways :]

    At first, changing for everyone can be a little scary because you're not used to changing in front of people. But honestly, it's not a big deal.  You're just girls, and you don't have to be afraid of anyone judging you.  It will feel different the first few days when you have to change out, but after awhile it won't matter anymore.

  8. It's over sooo quickly lol

    And people aren't exactly looking around intently at someone while they have they're half naked! If you still aren't sure change in a stall or something.

    LOL we aren't allowed to change in the stalls either!

  9. bahaa I went through the same scared feeling. I was NOT confident at all. But the truth is everybody is probably feeling how you are. So they won't be looking anywhere. And you only have like five minutes to get in and out, so no one will have time to stare at you. And if your really scared, I'd wear a cami under my shirt and just leave it under my p.e. shirt. Don't worry!

  10. well no one else is gonna really wanna do that. no one's gonna look at u. dont worry.

  11. I felt exactly the same way in the 7th grade, but you know what...we all have the same body parts and we may be different physically but you shouldn't be embarrassed to change out, would you rather go running in your regular clothes and be stinky and gross all day or be brave and dress out? And sometimes there are showers, or bathroom stalls that you can use to change out, but if your P.E teacher says that isn't allowed then just be brave, o.k! -Good Luck for tomorrow and I'm sure you'll be fine!

  12. find a corner or somewhere kinda secluded....and keep your gym clothes right next to you so you can put them on the second you take off your real clothes....

    don't freak out about'll get used to it in time.

    besides, everyone else is changing too, so they're not gonna be staring at you or anything,

  13. I have gym this semester too, and today was our first day of changing. We aren't allowed to go into the stall, so you are pretty much stuck! Just remember that all the other girls are changing too, and they probably as uncomfortable as you are! Its not a big deal, I promise! I'm the least confident person about my body ever, and I did it, and its not a big deal!

    You could always do the magic shirt changing trick... take your arms out of your shirt, and leave it around your neck, then just put ur gym shirt on, and pull the other one over your head.. then wear a cami, and pull it down over ur undies so you can put shorts on =)

    Good Luck!

    xoxo Jadee♥

  14. Good luck and I hope you a succesful outcome, as a gym class hero, LOL!

  15. well, go into the bathroom stale and change until your confortable enough to change in front of other people.

  16. either change in a shower or bathroom stall, or just change in a group with your friends.  seriously, everybody will be sitting around in a bra and underwear.  it's not like you'll stick out or anything lol.  if you're still worried, just wear a cami under your shirt and don't bother changing it.  as long as you're not REALLY gross and sweaty after gym it shouldn't matter.

  17. I felt the same way at first! Try wearing a bathing suit or changing in the bathroom.  
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