
Gymnastics - How can i get a great back tuck ?

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Hello :)

iv been doing gymnastics for a few month now and can do lots of skills eg, back flips , walkovers , non-handed cartwheels and more

but i've been trying to do a back tuck for ages , i can do it on my trampoline and off a small one , my gymnastics says i can do it but I'm just cant get myself too .

any tips or help ?

many thanks , Indie-Cindie-xx




  1. im a gymnast too

    and i know that it can be hard to to do a flip for the frist time it is really scary but u just have to go for it and once u do 1 they becom really fun

    just make sure u get high and dont stay in ur tuck to long

    and mabey if ur still scared a for a 1 handed spot from ur coach or try doing a back tuck into a pit (if ur gym has 1)

    i hope u do it and dont get sacred

    just go for it

    good luck ,

    <3333333 livi

  2. i never took gymnastics and i can do a roundoff back handspring back tuck.  ive been told by instructors its a good tuck.

    they key here is practice and confidence..

    if you tell yourself you cant do it..then your body wont.

  3. The best way to teach your self to do a back tuck is to learn how to do a whip back first.  It's the same as a round off back handspring but without touching the ground on the back handspring.  Once you can do that, you will have a better idea of the back tuck.  You can tell better the momentum you need.  A free standing back tuck is all leg and stomach muscle.  You may need to strengthen your stomach more.

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