
Gymnastics- bar dismount?

by  |  earlier

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I'm on my gym's prep op team and for my bar routine, i can choose to do a fly away dismount. Though, if i can't get this by the upcoming season, then ill have to do a lame underswing from the high bar or something. Is there any other dismounts from the high bar that is harder than an underswing but easier than a flyaway?




  1. Well you should definately try to get that flyaway. But if you can't ask your coach about a sole circle. I don't know if thats the right spelling. But anyway it's prettty much a cast straddle on and then you swing under the bar and release. After you can do that you can had a half or full twist. good luck

  2. I'm not sure if this is allowed, but you can ask. Try to twist when you come down from your swing, so you twist off the bar.

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