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Lydia is great at gymanstics she tries so hard but she gets scared very easily how can i help her not get so uptight when she has to do new things for gymanstics...shes only 6 should i buy stuff for her... wt should i do? thanks





  1. Probably you should just lay off and let her have fun with it. If she's uptight, then it's not fun for her. Maybe she shouldn't be doing gymnastics.

  2. id tell you to calm down, it's a wonder where she gets it from all that worrying.

    Take the lead show your daughter what helps you when you go to new places meet new people, explain sometimes when you were frightened about something and hopefully later how silly it was.

  3. My daughter is in gymnastics too, and somethings scare her while others don't.  She is amazing with the rings, heights don't bother her, and she has no problem on the balance beam.  Her main issue is with tumbling.  She gets scared when she has to do forward rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, and she won't even attempt back hand springs.  I don't understand why one thing bothers her and not the other.  Her coach says to just encourage her to try, and she will in time.  The worse thing to do is to push her to do something that makes her uncomfortable.

  4. My daughter does gymanastics and loves it.  she can fly on the uneven bars, loves the rings etc but then the simple things she freaks on and is terrified to try them.  The worse thing you can do is to push her, because then she starts to think she has to do it or you wont be happy and it starts to take the fun out of it for her and can lead to her getting hurt because she is trying to hard and not focusing.  Encourage her to try it at least once and if she doesnt like it move on to something else and then as she gets older and more secure in what she is doing she will come back to it.  When my daughter goes to practice I don't even watch anymore because she was always trying to please me so instead I stay in the lobby with a book while she has her practice.  The coach called me in the other day and they showed me all the progress she had made.  Praise her for what she can do and let her know she doesnt have to be perfect that we all have our fears and that it is okay she will do it when she is ready.
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