
Gymnastics: uneven bars?

by Guest56869  |  earlier

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Ok so monday I did myfirst kips by myself. It took me a while to get it. But I did it! Now Im afraid that this monday I might not be able to do it again. When you were learning kips, once you did your first ones, were you able to do the kip again they next time you tried?




  1. getting your first kip is probably the hardest thing. it requires TONS of practice to get it consistantly. so dont worry that you wont get it a couple times when you first get back into the gym. you just gotta get into the swing of things.

  2. wow congrats! the first time i did mine, it was like the most awesome thing ever! well, i think tha u'll b able to do it again, but then again it really varies with the gymnast, when i went back to practice, i did it the first time i tried.  a kip is one of those things that can easily get lost, but never give up on it and keep trying!! good luck at practice!

  3. It's one of those skills that once you do some repetitively down pat perfectly it just sticks in your head. so the first time your try it it might not be perfect, bu t after a few tries im sure you'll have it back.

  4. Congrats! getting your kip is great! when i finally got mine down, i did it perfectly the first time. the next day, i couldn't to it. but i got it back after like 3 weeks. so, not to worry if u don't hit it every time at first. remember, as long as u keep ur arms straight and rotate ur wrists, u will be great!

    good luck!

  5. ya, pretty much once you've got the feel for it youve got it.

    You might not start out as strong as you finished last time, though.

    hope this helps and good luck!!

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