
Gynecologist? I am only 14. (10 POINTS)!!! ?

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Okay, so Im 14. I have really bad periods. Where my stomach hurts so bad I think im gonna throw up. Well my mom said she would take me to the doctor to get me on birth control for my periods...but What do they do? does it hurt?

Also would you wax or shave?




  1. I had a pelvic exam at age 13 because I had a period for three years straight.  Just so you know, they mildly sedated me, but I screamed bloody murder through the whole thing.  It was the absolute WORST pain I have ever experienced.  I was rather traumatized for several days after.

  2. It doesn't hurt.

    They may do a pap smear.

    Which no, doesn't hurt.

    They're just looking inside you. No pain at all takes like 3 seconds.

    So she's just gonna talk to you about what's going on.

    And then prescribe you something best for your needs.

  3. i went to planned parenthood and they gave me free birth control and i didnt have to go see the Gynecologist.

    on the other hand i did go back to planned parenthood and got checked down there for an infection (from having s*x possibly) and basically i was really nervous because if was my first time and all.  after she was done i wondered why on earth did i freak out so much.   it was not bad at all.  my doctor said she sees it all day.  I shaved already (not whole thing) but i do keep my area looking nice so it made no difference to me.  

    If you have never shaved before, be sure to shave with the hair not against it or you will get a lot of bumps and it will hurt. I have never waxed before.  

    All in all dont worry about going to a Gyn.  it is not as bad as most girls think it out to be.  you will feel better after going actually because you know everything is fine down there.  

    OH and the Birth control pills...i just started a month ago.  my first month was horrible, but its your body only getting used to it.  you might be moody and have cramps and period spotting.  Dont worry im sure it gets better.  my period this month was completely different then normal.  it was light for like 4 days.  not to bad if you ask me :)  

  4. well, im 15 and when i went they didnt even have to check me out, because im not sexually active.

    so if your not, they might not have to check you out, they will probably just talk to you.

    but just in case, yes you should shave.

  5. they just ask you questions and stuff, I doubt they would even do an internal exam, but maybe. you could even go get an exam at planned parenthood, they prescribe birth control for free or nearly free if you're under 18 or under 21 and a full time student. go to planned and enter your zip code to find one near you


  6. it doesnt feels kinda good :]

    for your shaving question....dont wax...or shave...JUST BRAID IT :D IT FEELS GREAT

  7. the exam in itself will not hurt. and when they prescribe you birth control, all it is is daily pills you take in the morning. and shaving/waxing isnt necessary, but shave if you want to.

  8. If you are not sexually active, or have not had intercourse before, there is no reason for them to do a pelvic exam (look at your v****a." It is perfectly normal for girls to use birth control to regulate and aleviate the symptoms from their period. And also no shame in it. If you are uncomfortable having an exam, let your doctor know, they will be sensitive to your needs. But you must also be honest with that they can help you with whatever you need. GET ON BIRTH CONTROL!!! It will change your life for the good! haha good luck!

  9. Birth control is doctor jargon for severe pain.

    When you're on birth control you can feel close to death.

    It sucks.

  10. They would ask you questions about how often and for how long you're on your period and how old you were when you had your first one. They would measure your height/weight to make sure everything is alright because that has a lot to do with your period. They won't do anything to hurt, I doubt they will even look but even if they do you don't have to wax/shave. Go on with what you usually do, if you usually do one then do it if you don't do anything then leave the hair. It's their job, they don't care/mind the hair. Don't worry it might be wierd at first but they do their best to make you feel comfortable!  

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