
Gyno Appointment and Birth Control....?

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Im really scared to go to a gyno! I dont know what to expect or what he/she might say. I want to be on birth control but i dont want someone that i dont know looking "down there". I know they are a doctor and everything, and i dont want to keep putting this off, but i am just soooo nervous. What does the doctor do? Does it hurt? Should I shave??

Please Help me!

Anything will be appreciated!

Serious answers only




  1. Don’t worry. You don’t have to shave to go to a gyno. He/she will explain everything before they take the test. He/she will perform a visual inspection and he/she will use the bimanual method as well. During bimanual he/she will insert his/her fingers in your v****a to check for any abnormal developments on your vaginal wall. It may hurt a bit, but don’t worry he/she will do his/her best.

    He/she will take a sample of vaginal and cervix cells and other stuff with a wooden stick. It may hurt a little, but it will be OK.

    Don’t worry he/she will be as careful as he/she can. DO NOT SHAVE just because you have a gyno.

    Note: I did gynos including breast exam to six people so far. I am a U of C medical stdunet here in Canada.

  2. Hi Kayla,

    Don't be nervous. As a woman you'll have to do this once a year to keep healthy, and also to keep your birth-control perscription. I myself was super scared and nervous my first time at 16 (my mom made me)

    I highly recommend Planned Parenthood, you can get on a good free program there. It won't hurt, but being younger, it might pinch slightly.

    They use a tool, that slightly opens the vaginal canal, so they can take a swab sample of your uterus. That's it!! The sample will go to a lap where they will make sure your healthy, and also will check for diease's (which is important) especially when you get older. Even if your not active, it only takes one time, seriously to pick up something someone else is carrying.

    Ok, so get out there and make the appointment. You will be ok, and can even take a girlfriend with you, that can stand by your head for moral support.

    Also, shaving is opprtional, but you may want to wear warm long socks.




  3. Don't be is something that every woman has to do.  It does not hurt, but is a bit uncomfortable...but only for about 2 min.  It really does not last very long at all.  I would also recommend going to a female, as this lessons the tension in my opinion.  The doctor should talk you through the entire process too.  They should be more delicate knowing it's your first pap.  Once you get it over with, you'll feel like it was no big deal.  

    You don't need to shave, unless that makes you feel more comfortable.  The doctor won't care, and has seen all different kinds, trust me.

  4. Yes honey if a sexual partner has access to down there then it is definately time to go to the doctor, for health safety and to avoid unwanted pregnancy. No need to shave, the doctor will insert a spectrum which will go inside of you and examine your cervix and all that and then he/she will scrape a few cells from your uterus...don't worry this doesn't hurt it is just a bit uncomfortable and feels similar to a period cramp. Then he/she will insert 2 fingers and check the position of your uterus...the whole thing is over in a matter of min. I was really nervous my first time to go, but it is done from a very professional, medical point of view. This is not in anyway a sexual experience of some sort it is completely medical, and the doctor usually knows just what to do and say to make you feel as comfortable as possible.

  5. If you aren't ready to go to the OB/GYN, then you aren't ready for s*x or going on the pill.

    It isn't the most pleasant thing in the world, but it's something that you have to deal with as a woman. I wouldn't say it hurts, it's just a little discomfort while he/she is doing the pap. All the doctor is going to do it a pap smear, feel your ovaries, and a breast exam. It's less than 10 minutes. He/She will write a script for BC and you go to the pharmacy and fill it. As for shaving.....that's your call. OB/GYN's have probably seen it all, so they won't pass judgement.  

  6. Every woman does it and every doctor sees like 100 cooters a day so it's nothing to get scared about. The first time can be nerve-racking but if, God forbid, the doctor finds something you'll thank your lucky stars that you decided to go. Stay relaxed and go to a woman doctor. For some reason a woman seems easier to trust the first time you go. You might even consider taking someone close to you to support you. Like I said, they see a ton of women every day so shaving should be something you would do for yourself and not someone else. The pap-smear stings a little but its worth it.

  7. Just relax.  Ask for a female OB/GYN if that would make you feel better.  Ask them to explain everything they are doing.  Ask questions.  You will never be in the room with just the Dr. There will always be a nurse in there.  I have been to the OB?GYN in the exam room with my wife many times.  I have asked the Dr. a lot of questions just so I could get the answer straight from the Dr.  I don't know what goes on the first time. I know they will ask you if you are sexually active.  I m not sure how they do a pap smear if you hymen is still there.  But if you try to relax and ask questions the Dr. should be more than happy to answer your questions.  Shave if you want.  The Dr. has seen it every way before and makes no difference to them.

  8. No it does not hurt if you had s*x before, but it can feel very uncomfortable. Just do not tighten up what ever you do, stay still and stay calm. They stick a clamp up to your in your v****a and they take a example of you r tissue inside of your uterus. Just do not tighten up and stay calm. You will get use to it.

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