
Gypsy Curse?

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This is kind of an odd question. But I think that I was seriously cursed by a palm reading Gypsy I happened upon one day. Here's how it went.

I was out of town on a school band trip when I was about 16. I snuck away from the hotel to the Palm reading place to sneak a smoke. The Gypsy woman came outside and invited me inside. She said she'd read my palm for 20 bucks. I only had twenty bucks for the weekend so I told her I only had 5 to spend. She said that was ok.

I stupidly handed her my twenty and she gave me a look. A really CREEPY look. She read my palm, the usual love stuff, and then I left. Ever since then I've never been able to hold a relationship for more than a few weeks.

Is it possible that this Gypsy cursed me? And if so is there a way to lift the curse?

P.S. I don't know what category this goes under. So I'll stick it under Horoscopes.




  1. I have heard of a number of different methods of breaking curses in my research, I'll list a few here for you but I can't garuntee any of them work. Use them at your own risk (eg fires, herbs etc.)


    Based on an ancient babylonian speel, this spell is for someone who perceives him or herself as under psychic attack or siege but doesn't understand why and doesn't know what he or she did or didn't do to warrant the punishment.

    1. consecrate a fire.

    2. The subject of the spell peels an onion and tosses the peel into the fire (crying in this spell is good)

    3. chant incantation in which the undoing of one's "sins" are compared to this activity.

    4. finally the fire is extinguished as are the person's sins.


    Repeat Psalms 10, 13, 15 and/or 91 to bring about reversal of a hex, focusing upon your desired goals.

    Romany Gypsy break bad luck spell

    go for a walk and pick up7 twigs from the ground, one to represent each day of the week. Traditionally the twigs  should be ash for monday, beech for tuesday, elm for wednesday, oak for thursday, horse chestnut for friday, yew for saturday and elder for sunday.

    take them home, snap them into pieces and burn them in the hearth or on a bonfire. Say: ill luck is broken, as these words are spoken.

    there you go and hope those help.

  2. Go back and ask her how much she would charge to remove it!

  3. It's whatever you believe really.  You believe that you got cursed then you did.  If you think curses are a bunch of bull-h****y... then it is.  It's all in the mind.  Yesterday at the mall, I saw a bunch of little key chains that claim to remove curses.  Go to and buy one for yourself.  Buy the "Hex removal" one.  I'm sure it will work for ya.

  4. Well.....i would say she probably didn't curse you... unless you was rude to her?

    I doubt they curse for no reason.

    maybe you're just being slack with relationships :P?
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