
H0w d0 y0u kn0w if s0me0ne is really a celebrity 0n myspace....cuz ryan schlecker added me and i wanna kn0w if

by  |  earlier

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it's really him<3<3




  1. It&#039;s impossible to tell for sure but if you asked to be added then they probably take a long time to add you because they have to be really busy and they have to promote things.

  2. well. dont believe what everyone tells you. they could easuily lie if you asked. you never know. Dont ever go off and try to meet them either. Thats dangerous. I would just stay away from it.

  3. look 4 their friends n stuff lol

    but its real hard caus theirs wannbes who fake it

  4. There&#039;s really know way of knowing.

    Who the h**l is Ryan Schlecker anyway?

  5. Yeah, out of all his fans, he chose to randomly add you.

  6. there isnt really a for sure way to tell

  7. You can type any way you please

    EDIT: Why is everyone so stuck on how you type....really what does it matter.

  8. I&#039;m pretty sure all the &quot;real&quot; celebrities are in Myspace&#039;s celebrity section, now.  If his url isn&#039;t, it&#039;s probably not him.

  9. call ryan sheckler. but, i bet not.

  10. it is soooooo rude to type like that.

    Please refain from doing that or you may be barred from being human.

  11. Its not...y would a celebrity add u randomly

  12. its probably not. i really dont mean to be rude about this but what makes you so special that a celebrity is gonna want to add you? sorry about that but check the url because usually its the celebrities name.again sorry.

  13. why d0 y0u feel it nessesary t0 swap o with 0?

    And n0 I d0n&#039;t think a random celeb w0uld add y0u. Besides maybe H0mer simpson wh0 suddenly thinks 0f d0ughnuts!

  14. chances are, its not them. it could be a rapist, which you don&#039;t see much of anymore on myspace. i don&#039;t mean to burst your bubble, but i don&#039;t believe that its them. he could have a personal [myspace], but he probably wont add a girl he doesn&#039;t know due to fan obsessions. maybe the really person that made the profile thinks your cute on the up side! lol. haha i think its fun to question the celebs, &amp; then you know its not them ha.

  15. Please refrain from typing like that.

    And you can&#039;t truly tell unless you ask.

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