
H0w to l0ve a guy?

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i find that i d0nt love him at all.. h0w to love him? ways please please... d0nt tell me to leave him........ h0w to love a guy truly?




  1. Start with s*x.  After that, he'll show you so much love and affection, that you'll have to love him!

  2. Sweety, my therapist told me love was a choice. I always thought it was some grand feeling. I think it might be a combination of things.  The truth can't really make yourself love someone, it is such a hard emotion for everyone and I think everyone feels it on different levels.  I am afraid that no one will be able to give you an answer on how to love because that is something that must come from you. I can give you an idea of what love is to me but it might be different for you.....the bottom line is......are you happy with this person? Does he respect you as a person and for your opinions? Does he alway try to encourage you to be a better person, or be supportive when you want to try something new, does he do small things to show you he cares, like take out the trash you like being around him But more you like who you are when you are with him? If you do all these things for him as well.......that is how you love. Being considerate of others, forgiving and understanding too

  3. Not really sure I understand the problem... Why do you want to love him if you don't??  That doesn't make sense.. Why don't you leave and wait until you do love someone... You cannot make yourself love someone, you either do or you don't and if you don't why would you want to subject yourself to that, you will never truly be happy.
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