
HAHAHaa MUST READ little kids?

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don't you think its cute when little kids pee outside

any body got any funny storys regarding that with there boys/girls




  1. That is how we potty trained my little boy.  Worked like a charm!!  He is 3 now and loves to pee in the grass.  He knows that we only pee in the potty but if he is outside playing then we go ahead and let him pee in the yard.  My dad calls it "watering the grass"  Its so adorable.  I think its just a boy thing.

  2. My 5 year old about a month ago had to pee really bad and we had just got back from the grocery store. A police officer was at our house talking to my husband about the neighbors across the streets kids being jerks and my son went up to the police car pulled down his pants. My husband was like what are you doing, my son replied with a " you always said p**s on the cops dad." Yeah I hurried up and grabbed my sons arm and brought him in the house. I was so embarrassed. Needless to say my hubby watches what he says around my son now.

  3. My son is 2 and a half and has been fully potty trained. I've always told my son when he plays out in the back that if he can't make it inside just go outside especially when he is playing in the pool. The other day we were out in the front talking to some friends that had come over and my son was riding his bike around all of a sudden he gets off the bike super quick and starts pulling his pants and underwear down I ran and took him inside really quick luckly we made it to the toilet.

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