
HAIR DYE on my face!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I just died my hair almost black, and i always get it on my face when i do this. Except this time it won't come off! I scrubbed it hard, and i searched it on here and it said nail polish remover, that didn't work it just burned so bad.

any other ways to get it off?




  1. either wwash your face or use alcohol  

  2. try these:

    alcohol wipes

    baby oil

    soap and lofa

  3. three words... JUST ******* SCRUB!

  4. It will come off in a day or two.  

  5. Don't keep scrubbing, I'm pretty sure that'll just irritate

    your skin like crazy. hahah, but that happened to my

    sister and I don't think its that big of a deal, it'll definitely

    wear off eventually in the next few days. If it doesn't, try

    nail polish remover again and see if that helps.  

  6. hairspray!!!

    i know it sounds crazy but just try it!!!

  7. i am a hair dresser and unfortunately i too have gotten hair color on my skin, the best way to get it off is right before you shampoo it out rub your hair line with your thumb and a little water, this usually helps get it off before you wash. but if you don't get if off it will just fade in a couple days. they say if your skin is dry that it will stain so next time try putting some lotion or something around your hair line so this doesn't happen again.

  8. rubbing alchohol!!!!!!! i always use that!! it works really good! or at walgreens they have little wipes you can buy for like 99cents each.

  9. Try Lotion or coco butter

    i dye my hair more then the average person(im a hair model)

    and lotion always works for me , a lot of people didnt know about the properties in many hand lotions or body butters, its also a great eye makeup remover if your all out of it haha  

  10. Look at the links in my sources- that should solve your problem. Just don't panic, because it -will- come off.

    On the last link I gave, I wouldn't recommend using WD-40; your skin reacted to the nail polish remover because it's sensitive, and I doubt the WD-40 would fare any better.

  11. do a google search

  12. umm i usually use peroxide when i get it all over my hands

    and whatever doesnt come off always comes off in the shower the next day

  13. Dont worry ive done that aswell...

    I mixed equal parts of bi-carbonate soda with fresh lemon juice. The bi-carb soda exfoliates whilst the fresh lemon juice has citric acid that bleaches it.

    Good luck =]

  14. try baby oil

  15. The oils in  your skin will blend it out naturally. Just wear some foundation for a couple of days and wash with healthy moisturizing skin products - nothing harsh. The dye will fade quickly.

  16. uh idk try calling a specialist in that stuff if there is 1 of those or u could try like vinegar or something

  17. The dye will fade off...but there are some things you can do to prevent it.

    I assume it's on the hairline and forehead, and to prevent that rub Vaseline on those areas so the dye won't stick and stain it.

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