
HALLOWEEN POLL:::::::::::::::?

by  |  earlier

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Since Halloween is on a friday this year,

What are your plans?




  1. I'm getting all dressed up, taking off from school and going to the parade in the village with my closest friends! :)

  2. costume party

  3. Our fire department has an annual costume ball fundraiser with a band.  That is where I will be after taking the kids out.

  4. nothing really just give candy to whoever comes at my door...

  5. Party or spending a nice dinner with family.

  6. I will be getting hammered while trying to sneak around like a ninja.

  7. Costume party, then go home and watch scary movies with friends.

  8. Killing on my tent day.

  9. Get drunk and have s*x with a mail box.  

  10. is it a 13th? hope not omg that would be so scary!

    umm go trick or treating or to my mates for a party like we did last year. yes. x

  11. record release party-lol  thumbs down, jealous much? i cant help it if i rock you little trolls. heres a middle finger for your thumbs down lmao

  12. mmm good question go clubbing in a big costume dance

    drink and have some fun :P

    then top it of by comming home and watching

    a scary movie :P  

  13. don't know yet

  14. stay out all night.  

  15. HITCH HIKIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    come on and join me! lollol  

  16. Samhain Ritual

  17. Party like a rock star.

    Honestly? Take my son trick -or -treating and steal the majority of this tootsie rolls. Come on, I walked the whole neighborhood too!

  18. I will have my new baby boy and cant wait to put him in a costume!!

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