
HALP ME <span title="PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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this is my very first year of jr high and i am very nervouse and i got a really mean teacher so i am really scrared of her is that normal to be nevous and all my friends keep telling me stop being a baby is that normal




  1. I once had this spanish teacher, to say she was like a dragon is an understatement. she used to hit the desks so hard the desks would actually bounce - this is not an exaduration, then she got one guys book, ripped it in half and threw it in the bin because he kept clicking his pen. i got in trouble with her 3 times, and each time i alsmost peed myself - she shouts when her face is inces from yours.

    Compared to that you teacher can&#039;t be too bad, just try to to annoy/upset them in anyway, plus, im sure they have a nice side.....

  2. i just started high school, so we&#039;re kind of in the same boat. it&#039;s TOTALLY normal. No worries there. If you have a group of good friends, stick together, ya&#039;all will be fine. :) and relax and enjoy it, jr. high can be akward. and don&#039;t be worried about your teacher, if she&#039;s mean it just gives good stories to tell. :) good luck!

  3. talk to the principal

  4. yur scared of jr. high?

    dayumm i dont think ANYONE  was nervous about that! im not even that nervous about starting high school.  

  5. That&#039;s completely normal. Everyone has their fears of something when they&#039;re going into junior high-- I&#039;m gonna be a seventh grader this year, and last year i was flipping out because i thought, &quot;OMIGOD I&#039;M GOING TO GET BEAT UP AND THEY&#039;LL BREAK INTO MY LOCKER AND MY TEACHER&#039;S GONNA HATE ME AND BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!&quot; All you need to do is relax. If you try to go in confident then you&#039;ll be fine. Don&#039;t freak out over little things and try your best. It works. Good luck. (:

  6. Of course its normal,its only your first year of junior high!You will get used to it,and eventually,you will be happy with whats going on...

    Hopefully,this helped!

  7. haha thats kinda funny, im not being mean im just sayin that cuz where im from studentrs being afraid of teachers is pretty much unheard of.. we aint afraid of em cuz we hate em.. and sometimes me make the teachers afraid of us.. we have made a cuple of our teachers cry before.. it was too funny..

    but why are u afraid of her? she just another mean a$$ person.. and well honey ur gonna run into maky of those in ur lifetime.. so sont be afraid of her.. she cant hurt you

  8. It&#039;s perfectly normal to be nervous. You aren&#039;t a baby, and $5 bucks says your friends are nervous too but are just too immature to admit to it.

    You&#039;ll be fine once you get used to the routine of things.

  9. Avoid your friends, and focus on school. You really need to, considering your spelling. :/

  10. No, it&#039;s not normal.

    PS - it&#039;s HELP, not HALP.  I hope she&#039;s not your English teacher.

  11. The transition from 6th to 7th grade is one of the hardest changes a student makes during his academic career. Students go from being in a self-contained classroom to many different teachers a day in a larger building often connected to a high school. I believe that is is absolutely normal to be nervous and a little scared.

    I would suggest that you find an older mentor. Junior high is always easier if you have an older brother or sister to show you the ropes. If you don&#039;t have that luxury, it&#039;s not too hard to find someone to help you with the first year of school. Most schools have mentorship programs available that match older students with younger ones. Ask the guidance counselor if your school has one.

  12. yeah when you go to a new school everybody gonna be nervous just be your self and it will all be fineeeee

  13. try to not talk to the teacher too much and dont bother her so she wont yell at you and emberas you!

    i cant help with friends i have the same problom sry!

  14. wow its junior high school **** off, stop being a ******* little kid. you arent in elementary school anymore.

  15. You will need to work on your spelling.

  16. no that is not normal, it is also not normal for teachers to be mean, try to have a talk with her after class, express your feelings to her. She is probably a real good teacher, the no nonsense kind experienced and totally dedicated to teach you all she can. Perhaps she needs a different approach with you, so you can both have a good year. Good Luck

  17. Remember if he gives you a refferal or yells at you or whatever just forget about it.

    It wont matter in 10 years anyway.

  18. Maybe your teacher could help you with your spelling, relax, chill out, and pay attention.

  19. you shouldn&#039;t have to be scared of a teacher tell your mom and tell her why or report her if its that bad , and tell your friends to leave u alone people are different some people are more sensitive and get scared easier than other , i was scared of my teacher in 6 grade and didn&#039;t dare ask to to go to the bathroom and i actually peed my self , so yeah you shouldnt be scared talk to one of your parents a close friend or maybe a nice teacher :D good luck  

  20. What i did with a mean teacher is look at her forehead or her that her EYES DO NOT INTIMIDATE you...Tell yourself to relax. But yes, it is normal to be nervous...Just do NOT LET IT CONTROL YOU...Just say...relax, relax!!!

  21. Its completely normal for someone to be nervous in a new school. Don&#039;t worry about it. Just because your friends aren&#039;t scared doesn&#039;t make you a baby, a lot of people are probably scared.

  22. There will always be a scary teacher and she probably isn&#039;t that bad she just isn&#039;t happy with life. Don&#039;t be scared, you only have to be there a year, they have to be there for their career!

  23. It&#039;s okay you will be fine.

    Did you meet this teacher yet?

    All kids in every school claims there is a &quot;mean&quot; teacher but they turn out not to be so bad. They just call them mean because they like to give out alot of homework is all. (which stinks but you got to do what you got to do)

    I would say to make you feel better, why don&#039;t you speak to a school councelor? It sounds like your friends are not being very supportive but I bet inside they are nervious too about middle school.

    Don&#039;t worry, day by day you will get the hang of it and then you will be telling yourself: &quot;This isn&#039;t so bad after all.&quot; and then when you become an adult you will kill to go back to those days so enjoy it.


  24. Totally normal. I think what I have learned about mean people is to be polite, do your work and have as little contact with them as possible. If she does anything very disrespectful, than report it, but it will be fine. I felt the same way and I am doing well.  

  25. it is totally normal, so dont worry! your frienda are all scared to but there tryin to act all calm, everyone is nervous when school starts so dont worry honey!!

    your not a baby, your very normal! just get on the right side of the teacher, you&#039;ll be fine and dont make trouble where it dosnt need to be made. you&#039;l be fine sweetie!!

    keep smiling...

  26. When I first started jr high I was scared too. A new bigger place you have to walk to different class rooms and it is different than elementary. I had friends that felt the same way and we stuck together and helped each other through the first year but we got used to it after a while. Don&#039;t worry about the teacher she may be nervous too just think of it that way and you will be fine.

  27. Relax its very normal, anyone telling you to stop being a baby is  having the same fears as you. But in all honesty, live it up while you can, im 24 now and i miss being in school, so just live it up and let all the drama rolll off your shoulder, do you, and you&#039;ll be fine. GL

  28. i started middle school last year, i was so scarded u cant help your feelings be yourself and tell ur friends that u are nervous and they should make u feel better not call u a name

  29. Everyone is nervous and afraid of something you just happened too be afraid of you&#039;re teacher is it common probably if hes really scary don&#039;t stress it relax because if you&#039;re to focus on him it will inter up you&#039;re studies

  30. It&#039;s quite normal on the first day.  &quot;You cannot judge the book by its cover&quot;.  Take it some time and I am pretty sure that your teacher has a great personality.  Just be confident as you go along.

  31. dont worry everyone gets mean teachers. i got a really mean teacher when i started 7th grade and everyone was scared of him. your friends are being mean for calling you a baby, it very normal to be nervous. i was very nervous when i started jr high. but dont worry, the teachers are gonna be there to help you cause they know you all will need help. after a while, you will get used to it. DONT WORRY! you will be fine, remember it is normal to be scared.

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