
HAS anyone been receiving COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS?plz come in???

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i am currently a high school student, class of 2010.

What should i supposed to have to be eligible for scholaship?i don't really expect to get full scholarship because i am not from the US, I come from somewhere else, I've been here in US for almost a year,first came here in 10th grade. Knew nothing abt US education system when i first came so i took all regular classes. But now i start worrying abt my tuition for college....

i plan taking 3 pre-Ap classes next year(junior) and wonder do i still get a chance to get scholarship for college?(because some of my friends, who were born here, they got scholarship for college, but they took pre-Aps and Ap classes since 8/9th grade! they were also the top 10 % in high school!) what would be needed if i wanna get into UT Arlington with a scholarship? Do i need volunteer hours?if so, how many do i need?is volunteer hours really help you to get scholarship?THANK YOU FOR BEING PATIENT READING THIS LONG QUESTION. REALLY THANKS.




  1. HEy...

    im currently at UT arlington.... i have ended up with full ride.... u need to work hard... and have hours.... graduate with high hours or atleast with highest GPA..... work hard....AP classes matter but rbr if you going to hurt ur GPA in HS with AP classes overload then its no use.... maintain a high GPA.... fill out FAFSA for SURE!!!.... UTA gives alot for fafsa.... fill out the early and you will have greater chance to get grants.... also go to the Financil Aide office and fill out a UTA scholarship form ... and they will automatically give you scholarship after looking at GPA and so forth.... also for more money contact the department for more help ... they give free tutors and so forth and after a year in the program you get scholarships for them like 500 to 1000 + ..... and if you need more help contact the UTA office for any scholarships....... JUST work hard enjoy ur years in HS.... shoot big .... and you will do fine ..... ALSO last thing try to help out at hospital it not only looks good now but for years to come it looks great....GO MAVERICKS!!!!

  2. you don't start applying for scholarships until your junior year. you need good grades for some, others they just ask you to write an essay about something and base you off of that. your writing ability.

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