
HAS this change from them?.........

by  |  earlier

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DO you think that guys still have the idea of ''women have to stay home & look after the kids?




  1. NO WAY. Kids these days are being taught that both sexes can do both.

  2. no i think in today's time, you better have a good job. It takes two incomes to make the bills, and unless he is mega rich you won't be at home tending to the children.  My husband and I share the responsibilities of the household chores, even the cooking, and he disciplines our child, 99 percent of the time.

  3. Negative.

    My husband wants to actually have me work full time and he stays home with our children.

    Im all for this but, id like to be the classic stay at home mom,just till they start school then me and him can both work. or work out some other things.

  4. generally speaking it has changed. although some men still believe the woman shouldn't work and look after the kids/etc

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