

by Guest59644  |  earlier

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I first saw this movie around twenty years ago and then almost a decade later, by serendipity, saw this part when I switched the television on. When I went to sleep the scene stayed in my mind. There is something about the glittering snow, the glittering sun, and the glittering sword, that makes it mesmerizing. And of course the soundtrack.

The movie is Ladyhawke and it is free of vulgarity, free of homosexual relationships, free of relying on gore for sole content value, etc. Its motif is the normal relationship between men and women that is usually under the auspices of religion and grounded in commitment.

Has feminism accelerated the trend for the downfall of normal movies with themes like this one?




  1. I personally blame Matthew Broderick.

  2. I didn't know glittering snow, the glittering sun, and glittering swords were considered normal.  No wonder I don't see glittering swords in movies anymore, must be the feminists.

  3. Words cannot express how much I enjoyed(hated) that movie.

    If only movies of today where crude language free and based on true commitment.

    But then again movies aren't based on reality and even the ones who are use some artistic license.

    However I much prefer movies with Lucille Ball, Judy Garland, Rita Hayworth, Bette Davis, Clark Gable, Fred Astaire, and John Wayne.

    John Wayne, now there was a real man.


    I think I'll go see what my husband is making for dinner tonight.

  4. Feminists are destorying numerous aspects of US society.

  5. Those feminists.  They are just so evil.  

    This is why we must keep women busy in the kitchen, ensuring they don't dabble in film production or other such filth.

  6. I LOVE Rutger Hauer!  He is so handsome.

    You love swords, too!  So do I.  

    I am a strong manly guy.  That's during the day.  You would never guess.  You pretend to be straight during the day, and at night you go to the park, and there they are, men willing to have s*x with you for free.

    That's how I knew I was g*y, when I saw Rutger Hauer in this movie!

    I can't believe you hate women, and you love swords, and you think you are straight.  It's your religions beliefs.  You are missing out on the best s*x of your life.

    And you live get to live in a world without women!  Just what you want!

    The poster above me is another homophobe g*y man.

  7. I am a feminist and my wife an I love the movie Ladyhawke.  Feminists are not against heterosexual love.  You are sadly mistaken and totally miss the point.  There is not logical connection between feminism and greedy marketers, who are mainly men.

    I have to ask - what is your IQ, because I picture you as a mentally retarded adult that has to live with his parents for the rest of his life because he is unable to make a living for himself.  Not that there is anything wrong with being mentally handicapped, but if you are, you should tell us, and people would understand. and be more kind to you.

  8. Some movies "push the envelope"-I like that every once in a while

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