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I really like a kid in my school im 7th grade almost 13. His name is Brendan. and hes about 15 lockers down from me. I really like him but havent talked to him. I wanna start a convo with out sounding like another random boy crazy chic. He sits at my table at lunch most of the time because I kid name Zack sits with me and him and zack are friends. I am so scared of rejection if I eventually do get to asking him out. My best friend Torrey likes him too though. Gosh what should I do? Please give advice. Oh and also we have English together he sits 2 desks away from me. And Zack told him I kinda liked him. And brendan said "okay". Does he like me and what should I do?




  1. my cousin is 25 and he has never been in a relationship. just thought id share that.

  2. I believe when I was in 7th grade I used notes to ask people out....

  3. most likely yes.. give it a chance.. sounds to me like he is in the same mindset as you are...ask him about his classes or what he did the other day....i am in a 2 month relationship now and we talk all the time about those things....  

  4. yeah. Im the same age as u :P So i guess i have experience with this stuff. Its hard.. isnt it? Just relax.. act cool. BUT remember during this process that cool=YOURSELF. Alright? Dont change a thing about u. Maybe do ur hair nicer.. and get a manicure.. and all that jaz. BUT make sure that ur still the same girl. Chances are that he likes u. and if u changed.. then u blew ur chance :P and for this friend liking him too? Talk to her about it, make sure she knows. and if u come to the decision where nun of u date him, then deal with it. OR. U gotta choose between friendship and dating.. whos more valuable... fun.. trustowrthy.. stuff like that.

    Hope u get this.. datings not easy . :P  

  5. First talk to your friend and see if she's ok with you both liking him and possibly one of you asking him out. If not just introduce yourself and stay friends with him. If she's cool with you going after him then introduce your self and get to know him. Eventually if you still like him tell him how you feel and see how he feels about you. Good luck!

  6. This can be achieved by not concentrating primarily on going out with him. but by finding out his interests and what interests you share. start by just becoming his friend. overcome your shyness just a little and start a convo with him maybe open with a joke or ask for his help on something. continue the friendship maybe you'll find he really isn't your type. or maybe you'll become closer friends and who knows what that could lead to

    good luck  

  7. I haven't been in a relationship either.

  8. That is so weird b/c there were twins at my school named Zach and Brendon lol

    I think he's not really focused on girls right now b/c guys still act kinda weird at your age.

  9. nope.  i'm 47 years old.

  10. just start talking to him about school and class and all that stuff like at lunch or w/e get him to notice you and see if you like him or he likes you and just go from there

  11. how can you like him if youve never actually spoke to him.. if you talk to him you may realize hes compleately different then what you have  imagened.    you  and your best firned should not hurt each toher and go after the same guy.. eventually youll learn friends are more imortant and you are both young  and theres plenty other guys out there.  

  12. he duzent like you if he just said ok it duzent seem like his interested in you

  13. Ok im in 7th grade 2 im 12 almost 12 2 but if u like him enough go 4 it but if u dnt like him 2 much wait 4 ur chance i dnt really no ive been in some relation ships but they were pranks im really nice ive been in a real 1 b4 but im in trouble cus i got beat up so i hit back no1 likes meD=Hope u have fun

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