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plz, i need answers from those who have been there only!




  1. It's been my good fortune to visit Cuba nine times.  The people are  hospitable, extremely proud of their country  and welcome  visiters with open arms.  Cubans know they don't have it soft but idolize Che and  believe Fidel has  been the man who removed them from the American domination which plagued their country for years.

  2. no. I've never been to Cuba Do Do DOdo

  3. Fantastic - travelled there for the first time in June..

    People are fantastic and the country is beautiful.. they have nothing and everything all at the same time

  4. Yes, I have been twice to Cuba, and loved it.

    The people are very friendly. They have a restricted life, but truly value family and friends. The economy is the biggest problem, and as a result there is a poor infrastructure of roads/housing etc, but it is improving. Everything is owned by the govt - even the hotels. The tourism is helping the economy and many very well qualified cubans work in the tourist industry. It is not uncommon to meet people who speak 3 or 4 languages. The education and health system is very good.. Average salary is about £15 per month and it is difficult to live on this ! Ration shops exist for items such as soap/coffee/toothpaste etc. Other shops are extremely basic and expensive. A decent pair of shoes is like a months salary. Much food is grown and cooked at home.They do not have the consumer/waste society that we have. It is a very safe place if you plan to travel around. You must be careful about what you speak ! Cubans are nervous about who is listening etc etc and are careful what they say and do. Crime is severely punished. Remember, more than 80% of current Cubans have never known another existence as Castro has ruled for so long - they look up to him but are now beginning to see that their freedom is very limited. eg they cannot just go on the internet and access the world like we can !! But, it is a beautiful place, lots to see and the people are wonderful.

  5. I have lived in Cuba for nearly eight years, and am writing this from Havana now.

    The Cuban people are generally friendly and welcoming to foreigners. Most are very keen on music and dancing. (Fiesta !!!)

    Cuba is a country of contrasts - a communist country that dances to a salsa beat. The official communist party newspaper - the main source of official pronouncements is called "Granma", a variant of Grandma.

    [More to come later].

  6. yes , when a tiny child FIDEL HUGGED UND KISSED ME....MINE PA WAS a long story....but cuba is ready if you are,,,,,,,,,,,,i wana go back und enjoy that island...i love havana>

  7. Very lovely but faded country with an extraordinary past, as you can see through the architecture. People are poor but educated, and one day when they will be free, that country will become back the jewel of the caribbean, the swiss of the Antilles as it used to be for what I have heard.

    I traveled all over the island and was amazed of the politeness of the inhabitants. We drove a rent a car and took  local hitchhikers, we learned about their customs. We were invited in several houses for coffee or ate in "paladdin" home restaurants. Amazing compare to other poor country in the caribbean, Cuban are very litterate, and that you can not take away from them, because rich with education, you go nowhere. Off course, they are paying a heavy price for that culture, but one day, they will at least have somewthing left.

    I loved Cuba. Lat time I was there was for hurricane Hugo, must have changed now.

  8. Most people say lots of things about the socialist system, I do not know why they do not mention anything about the embargo of the United States ! ! ! ! ! !   The embargo is one of the main reasons of the bad economy and most of the problems of the Cubans ! ! ! ! !

    China is socialist and they have a better life,  much better than the Cubans.   China has no embargo.

    Anyway, embargo or not, Cuba is doing wonderful in the education system, one of the best in the world.  Also in medicine, social security, sports, restoring old buildings in Old Habana, etc.  This is something that we all have to appreciate.

    Canada has lots of investments in Cuba to open new industry and oil, as well as Venezuela.

    Spain has lots of hotels all over the island so, not everything is owned by the government.

    Also there are many private restaurants called paladares.  They are private owned by local families.

    When people say that everything is owned by the government it is not true.

    It will be very hard for you to understand all these things if you haven´t been in Cuba.  Please go and stay at least one week in a Casa Particular (private home).  You will love it.   This is the best

    way to know Cuban people.  Best to you and enjoy Cubans, the city of Habana and the beautiful Republica de Cuba.

  9. Fr on what i have heard this is accurate!

    by Richard K

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    This is pretty accurate,

    Fr on what i have heard this is accurate!

    by Richard K

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    From prior reply this seems on track.

    It's been my good fortune to visit Cuba nine times. The people are hospitable, extremely proud of their country and welcome visitors with open arms. Cubans know they don't have it soft but idolize Che and believe Fidel has been the man who removed them from the American domination which plagued their country for years

  10. yes, i have. i was on a cruise. we had to stop because someone got really sick on the ship. no one else got off but that person and their family. also, i went to visit my ex. he was stationed there. it's a very beautiful place. wouldn't live there though.

  11. yes, can't remember how many times but 20+ times or more.

    To be honest I have seen a lot of countries and beautiful islands .....but Cuba the most wunderful of all, especially the people are very kind. They are poor and the average salary is 15-20$ a month, but they share easely with others.

    They have lot's of problems and their resources are very limited but despite all they make the best of it ,they have fun , the sun, music, rum and friendship.

    And yes, the socialist system is far from perfect but is the (hard) capitalist system so much better ??? I don't know ??


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