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well i know there are gonna be plenty of people out there calling me dumb but i really want to have a baby now at the age of 16. Luckily my bf of a year and a half has been feeling the same way and wants one more then i do. Society thinks that if you are under the age of 18 you cant care for anyone (not even yourself) but we are very mature people. We know everything will change after this move but its something we REALLY want to do. His parents wont care if we do but my WHOLE FAMILY will..basically I just need advice on this whole situation.




  1. I am a firm beliver that there is not right or wrong age to have a baby; however I beleive that you are not "ready" until you can support yourself and your baby by yourself.  I think that someone is NOT ready to have a baby if their plan includes living w/ their parents and having them help and support you while you finish high school.  You should be independent and have at least a high school diploma, and a place of your own.  Have a baby to give them a better life; not because you and your boyfriend think its a good idea. wait a few years and get married first!

  2. wow  people as stupid as you should not breed at any age

  3. Are you NUTS!  Get an education so you can get a decent job.  Your b/f should do the same.  At 16, NO ONE is mature enough to raise a child. Are you prepared to forsake your friends when then baby comes?  You'll be busy night & day caring for the life you bring into the world.  Your family is right.  Listen to them.  Are you ready for marriage? I'll bet not!  If not it's not good for the baby.  Your b/f could leave you when the going gets tough, then what do you do?  Chances are very high your b/f won't be around when the child starts school.  I know you won't like this answer, but I'm 68yrs old & I have a niece w/ 3 children ages 4 thru 18.  She's been thru 2 divorces & numerous boyfriends.  Is this what you want?  You're probably thinking that this won't happen to you, but statistics show that it does more than 75% of the time.

  4. My best friend in the whole world said those same words to me when she was 14. I know your not 14 but hear me out. Her bf was 17 and they were both "ready". They had money lived with their parents went to school and were very responsable. That was 11 years ago when gas was less than 2 bucks a gl. cars were just plain cheaper and there were acctually jobs to get with a degree let alone with out. Now her and her bf got married in 01 and have been together since. He's been struggling for a pay check in construction and she can't work because daycare is just as expensive as her check would give( she couldn't finish school because of the baby) not to mention travel cost to and from work so it would actually be more expensive to work. She didn't even get a license till last year because after staying home alone for the last 10 years got real boring and the hubby is her only company because through the years all her friends moved on and did differant things they couldn't. And it took until last year before they could move out on their own (they've lived with grandma this whole time) and thats because a friend cut them a break on one of his properties. This is not society talking this is captain reality check. Finish school Get a degree and live life first. Parenting skills come purely from experiance and you havent even given your self a chance to experiance all of high school yet. And you do want better for your kids than you had so give your self the best first then have a little one to share it with.  

  5. Get your high school diploma first!  It is so important to have an education.  You need to have a good job before you can afford a child.

  6. haha no way sweet :) my gf and I r wanting one to and we r both 16 :) we went 4 it and now hopefuly we r=D and yes r lives will chang in a good way I hope u guys do the rite thing haha and I am gladd that we r not the only ones ;)  

  7. My sister was in your position 18 years ago, she thought that she and her boyfriend would be together forever and were ready.

    Guess what?  He left her within 4 weeks of her becoming pregnant.

    No support, emotional or otherwise for the devoted dad to be.

    And guess what - at 16 she was not ready to give up her life and my parents and I raised this baby whom her parents "were ready for."

    You are young.  Best to wait.

  8. If you are ready, then great.  Now consider the financial side of things.  Can you afford medical, clothing, diapers, the needs of the baby as well as you both.  Don't forget about the food!  If you can answer Yes without hesitation, then you both are ready.  Your age isn't an issue and I am sure you're both mature enough, but it is the financial side of things that make people think twice.  Don't depend on mom and dad, as having a baby should be an independent issue.  Best of luck!

  9. If you do this you will regret it.

  10. There are a lot of important things going on in your young life right now and there is plenty of time to have babies.  What about school?  Who's watching the baby?  There are a lot of expenses involved with having a new baby.  From unforseen medical to diapers and childcare.  You should call a couple daycares and see that the going rate is out there for an infant.  It's a lot more expensive than eating out.  Are you planning on breast feeding, difficult if you are in school and formula is expensive.  Does your boyfriends gob have good medical insurance? Are you getting your own place?  Rent and Utilites

    Ultimately this is your decision.  Make it a smart one.  I went through the same thing at about 17.  It's hormonal and you are not alone and are not dumb.

    The source link below is a budget calculator.  Check it out and see if financially you can do it.  I have no idea what you or your BF make.  

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