
HAiR iiSSUE . --> Olive Oil . . . read below por fah-vor . qratzis .?

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i've heard that putting Olive Oil in your hair helps with healthiness .(of hair) ii heard mayonaise also but then i heard mayo makes hair Oily & i don't need that. so anyone knows about the OliveOil or any other product you may have in your kitchen cabinet or fridge that might work ?




  1. they both do work.

    but i didnt like the aftermath of it because my hair was just sticky and oily.

    but after a few days.... =)

    my hair looked and felt shinier

  2. i know that oil really works for your hair

  3. Camomile for blonde.

    Beer for Brunettes.

    Apparently egg is also good to put on hair.

    With olives, I've only heard of actually eating olives to have good hair, but wondered if olive oil would have the same effect as I don't like olives.

    My mum used to wash my hair in camomile tea and I always had lovely, soft shiny hair.

    Good Luck!

  4. yes that's true olive oil those make you hair look shiny and more healthier  

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