
HAve you ever taken a hamster to the vet?

by Guest61909  |  earlier

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Be honest. A lot of people tell people on here to take their hamsters to the vet. But how many of YOU actually do it? And what was the situation?




  1. I only just got my hamster a week ago, so I haven't been to the vet with her yet, but if she was sick, I would definitely go.  I used to have two mice and I took them to the vet when I noticed one of them had lice.  I felt kind of funny at first, but the employees there didn't make me feel out of place, and they enjoyed the mice when I brought them in.  Plus all the pet owners there have fun checking out everyone's pets, so no need to feel embarassed, everyone is there for one reason: they love their pets!  I had to pay for vaccinations for both mice and when I brought them back a week later for follow-up vaccines, I also had to buy some sort of penecillin for one of them, as the vet noticed he seemed to have pneumonia.  All of this ended up costing over $100, which I wasn't sure about, since each mouse only cost $1.99 in the first place, but the medication helped, so it was worth it.  I told myself they are my little pets, no matter how small or what they originally cost at the pet store.  I love them and want them to be healthy and happy.  They don't live very long, but I also don't want them to suffer if they are sick.  I don't regret it at all!  If they are sick, take care of them!!  If you don't care enough about them to take care of them properly, you probably shouldn't own them in the first place.

  2. I have taken several guinea pigs to the vet.  Three for lice, one for mites.  Pet shop guinea pigs carry parasites, it's a lesson I learned the hard way.

    EDITED TO ADD:  When I took my guinea pig for mites, it was to a different vet clinic, and the guy looked at me like I was an idiot, and told me it was her fur pattern, but bald spot from scratching.  He finally listened to me and medicated her.  But I knew more than he did when it came to her!  Pathetic..

  3. i only took it to have it put down because it was very ill

    other than that i never had any problems with my hamsters

  4. Yes I have - to have his teeth checked because he was gnawing at the bars a lot.  They said the teeth were quite long and trimmed them.

  5. never  

  6. nope

  7. OMG i did...

    the guy laughed , but he took care of

  8. Yes, we took my daughter's hamster to the vet when he had a bump on his leg.  You have to make sure the vet you are going to takes care of small rodents, as not all vets do.

    A pet shop that sells hamsters is also a good source for information and help.

  9. i have

  10. i did once and it was because a big bulchy thing developed under my hamsters chin. and it wasnt food and they said they couldnt do anything for it so a couple days later it passed away.=(

  11. I took my hamster to the vet because she was breathing heavy and looked really ill.  A lot of vets won't take "pocket pets" like hamsters, but they aren't too difficult to find.  The vet told us that our hamster had pneumonia.  The visit cost $35 dollars and the antibiotic cost $25.  She died after two weeks, but we were glad that we at least tried to save her.

  12. I personally never have.

  13. Yes. I had a hamster many years ago, Goldie, who had to have a hysterectomy for ovarian cysts. unforunately she died anyway. Another hamster , Texas , had to be put to sleep at the vets as she was elderly and her kidneys had began to fail on her.  

  14. Well i actually had to take mine to the vet because it had wet tail disease and we had to put it down. All of this happened on Friday the thirteenth. It was very sad

  15. I haven't owned a hamster since I was a child. I do, however, own 4 rats who ALL get medical attention. They get a general check up when I first get them, and then they get annual check ups (along with any visits they may need for health issues. I had 1 get tumor removal surgery, and get treated for an ear infection)

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