
HAve you ever witnessed anything paranormal ?

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Ghosts...ufo.... anything ? I know its been asked but for fun I rather ask it myself and I will get unique responses this way.




  1. Yeah I have, when I used to go to sleep an night, I would see a dark shadow right in front of me just standing there and hearing voices...... It was one of the most awkward experiences

  2. Yes I have, a few times. First of all my grandmother came to me while I was sleeping, she was standing at the foot of my bed speaking to me, but I couldn't understand her.  The same thing happened to my father at the same time.  Then I have this shadowing figure that is in my apartment, I only see it occasionally, the hair on the back of my neck and arms stands straight up, even though I am not afraid of it.  Then when i was younger I was using a psychic circle and  and it kept saying ha ha ha ha, the dog started barking and when I left my friends house, my car wouldn't start. No one could find anything wrong with it. also forgot to mention, lots of time when i am home alone. i feel people tap on my shoulders.  there is nothing there but me and my cats.  and my cats stare as if looking at something but there is nothing there

  3. Only one time. I used to work nights. I was home late after work like 3:30 in the morning. I was falling asleep watching tv and I felt someone whisper my name in my ear. No one was there. The next morning my dad called and said my brother had died in the night.

  4. Yes I have, I saw a child in one of the rooms I was cleaning and then I got an extreme emotion of sadness. Which I found strange considering I was having a great day. Then I thought maybe it was just I was so startled, well after a half hour went by the feeling was still so strong, but as soon as i left the room everything was okay and I felt normal again

  5. Yeah me, my brother, and our friend Jared were outside at night and we saw something land on the farm next to our house. We also saw beams of light and then it disappeared! That was when I used to live in the country.

  6. I have not personally, but everyone can expierence some form of paranormal activity since everyone was born an intuition and the ability to intuite things that are around us, some people's intuition just goes inot hiding the older they get. It's been said that if a person practicing being intuitive they will be able to have a "sixth" sense if you will. It has also been said that when someone is visited by a spirit it is usually just an old friend or relative dropping in to say hi or check up on their loved one, nothing to worry about. A lot of times, they also come to us in dreams and will appear very vividly to the dreamer who will then wake up with a feeling of having an outherworldy experience. So all of you pay attention when you think you sense something, it's rarely your imaginations!!!

  7. I've mostly heard and felt things.  This is creepy especially since I'm home alone, but oh well.  Just a few minutes ago, I was walking by my kitchen and I heard a couple of dishes falling.  I have 4 pets, but my oldest cat was asleep, the other was in my room, and the dogs are outside.  Also, one night I was watching Conan like always, and I felt someone like bump the chair on my right side.  This happened nearly two years ago, and I thought it was my old lab, Molly, but she was asleep.  Sometimes I used to have dreams that I'd see ghosts in my hallway.  I wouldn't be scared by more like introduce myself.  The last time I had one I said, "hey, what's your name?", but he just walked off.  I think my house might be a little bit haunted, but I don't think anything bad comes around here.  Probably relatives who have passed on.  

    My mom has seen a ghost when she was watching an abandoned nursing home (they're gonna remodel it).  How she could tell is because she went to say hi to this person who came in.  When she went to, nobody was there, and the alarm didn't beep as it would when people walk in.  Later on, a college kid who was doing the night shift told her that he was taking a nap on one of the beds and he was awakened by an old man saying, "you don't belong here", but he said shut up and went back to his nap.

  8. Yes I have a Few times. Where I used to Live I used to feel vibrations on the end of my bed as if someone was bouncing on it or pushing it down with their hands. Then one Night I woke up cause I felt someone tapping on my shoulder and then Heard a little kids voice saying Mom, mom and then said mommm like that as if like quit ignoring me I did not move. I was turned in towards  my husband and I did not have any kids when that happened. Then another night when I was sleeping I had the sheet tightly wrapped around my leg and foot and I felt the sheet moving like someone was trying to loosen it and then I moved some and then it stopped for about a minute and then it started again. I just turned my body quickly towards the other side and it stopped. I know that I was not dreaming.  It was so weird. One time I was playing a game on my computer and the guy that I was moving I was trying to get him to go but he kept walking the opposite way I took my hands off the keyboard and he still was walking back the other way but he had no where to go cause it was the beginning of the game and I was not making him go that way and then I said to my husband I can't get this to work then it stopped. My husband was watching tv at that time then The tv went off and on and then off again. I Noticed things were disappearing. I would put something like a necklace in a certain spot and Then when I went to find it again it was gone. Then weeks later it returned.

    Then where I used to work I heard and seen some things. It was my last night on the job. I was cleaning offices on a Sunday. No office workers were in the office. I was totally alone and just got onto my floor. I was going to the supplies closet when I heard someone call my name. I did not respond just looked around. Then I heard them call me again it was a womans voice. I said I am here. Then I heard nothing. I looked all thru the office and seen that nobody was there. about three hours later my boss was on my floor and I asked her if she was on my floor before looking for me. She said no that was the first time. Then I went onto my moms floor. She was working with me. I wanted to help her finish that way we could leave. She left the floor and then I was alone. I ran her sweeper and I seen like quick black flashing running past the entrance of the hall i was sweeping. It was very fast. I seen it out of the corner of my eyes.  I looked about one minute later and seen that nobody was there. Then 10 minutes later my mom came back. My mom told me she has heard and seen things in the building. I went to clean off shelves that the office workers put mail and other things on and I had the feeling that someone was watching me. Then I went into the bathroom. I was in there for about 10 minutes and I was thinking about what else I needed to get done and I heard the bathroom door slam shut in the other stalls. I knew that was odd cause i did not hear anyone open the bathroom door. I went out of my stall about one minute later and seen that all the doors were open a little. I know for sure I heard that bathroom stall door shut. Another thing is I have a Picture that was taken a Christmas time. Its was taken about five years ago. It was a Picture of my brother and I standing close to each other. In the picture there is like a white cloud and on the left side of the picute its looks like a face. It is so clear. You can see a face, mouth and eyes. My mom once showed it to someone and they said it was an angel. I Am not sure about that. It could either be a spirit or an angel. I alway thought my moms house had spirits cause I seen things when I was Young.

  9. I was sleeping in bed when a presence woke me up. A woman in along white dress and her hair in a bun placed her hands on her knees and bent over so she was face to face with me. She beckoned me to wake me up with a gentle tone in her voice, almost as if my mom were to wake me up if an emergency had happened. I wasn't awakened abruptly but I was frozen in bed, I wouldn't move. A little later on I woke up startled by my mom calling out "MOM! MOM!" at the top of her lungs in her sleep. I still wouldn't move. I asked her the next morning about her screaming and she dreamt that her mom, who passed away 20 years ago, was just ahead of her and she called out to her. I believe my grandma, whom I have never met was at my house that night.

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