I know there are a million questions about this on here, but I'm looking for some guidance. Here's the story:
My last menstrual cycle was sometime between June 10-17, 2008. I forgot to write it down, so I'm not sure. I took two positive pregnancy tests on July 22. I had come to the conclusion that I was 4-5 weeks from my LMP at that point.
I had my first doctor's visit last Tuesday, August 12. During my first visit, we did an ultrasound and some blood work. The ultrasound showed a 3-4mm growth, which meant that there was 5-6 weeks fetal growth. We barely saw a heartbeat, but she was very concerned wth that. I left with an uneasy feeling about my pregnancy and not knowing whether this was good or not. We took blood work to measure my HCG levels and I also went back 48 hours later to measure my levels. Tuesday's levels were 18,890 and Thursday's were about 18,300. They basically told me that it didn't look good for our baby...but I scheduled another ultrasound for Monday (yesterday).
We went to our ultrasound yesterday and the baby measured only 4-5mm and we didn't really see a heartbeat - maybe one flicker...? My doctor said that the baby should've doubled its size from last week and without the firm noticibility of a heartbeat and my HCG levels down slightly, she does not think this is a good pregnancy. I had more blood taken to measure HCG levels again.
I got the word today that my levels are up, slightly - 18,954. I'm not scheduling a D&C yet. I'm going to wait it out and have some more blood work done next week to compare again.
Anyone had this sort of issue??? I'm so confused. The emotional roller coaster is driving me insane and I need some peace of mind. I've come to terms with the fact that this baby will probably not survive, but I'm at a loss right now. I'm ready for it to be over with, but without definite confirmation - what should I do?
I also heard that hospitals have stronger, more effective ultrasound machines. Has anyone asked their doctor to order a hospital ultrasound for a better scan??
Thanks for reading my LONG entry...