
HCG numbers are driving me insane. Any Advice?

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Ok, I found out I was pregnant about a week ago. However, after a trip to the ER with some light lower right cramping I found out I had a cyst on one of my ovaries. DR also noted that my HCG levels low, was only 214.

Heres the million dollar question. Are HCG levels determined by gestational age or by days since last menstral period? I have very irregular periods they never come at a regular calculation. Rather, they come sometimes every 30 days, 40 days, 50 days, 35 etc... I experienced what I am pretty positive was implantation bleeding exactly 4 weeks after the first day of my last menstral period. It was very light brown, barely there and only lasted about 24 hours. No pain at all.

I did some calculation and if I ovulated later, which is very possible with my cycles, then my gestational age is only about 4 weeks and a HCG level for 4 weeks is up to 400. 200 would be ok! But if I go by last period it says my HCG should be about 1000 by now.

What do I go by?

Ahh! lol.




  1. Go by gestational age.  I believe implantation is the point at which HCG begins being manufactured in earnest.  

    Your doctor should do another blood test in a few days, to see if the HCG levels are doubling correctly.  The first HCG level doesn't really tell you much except that you are, in fact, pregnant.  It's the followup levels that will tell your doctor more about the viability and status of that pregnancy (like if the numbers go DOWN rather than UP).

    Try not to stress too much over these levels, they vary GREATLY from person to person, from pregnancy to pregnancy!  (Example: when I found out I was pregnant, my HCG levels were 57!  I was afraid to move all weekend!  :-)

  2. Hcg levels vary from person to person and all it really tells you is your pregnant.Whats important is that they double every 2 days.You need to have a retest in a couple of days.

  3. im pretty sure its gestational age but i think your right and cycle days may have thrown off ovulation which may mean your not as far as first thought..

    Best bet would be to go back to the doctors for regular bloodtests to see if HCG levels are rising every few days.

    Goodluck :)

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