
HD-DVD Question?

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i know blu-ray won the format wars but how was the quality of hd-dvd. i hear some people said it was better then blu-ray because it used a newer technology. thanks




  1. it was ok.  Better than blue ray? absolutely NOT.. the people who said that probably stupidly bought an HD-dvd player,. and now they're trying to make themselves feel better.  Blue ray is MUCH higher quality.

  2. you have posed a kind of trick question. The main dif between HD and blu ray is the capacity. So let's say I put a short 30 movie on both discs, both encoded in MPEG4, at 1080p. Both will look identical if they have the same bitrate.

    Now let's change up, and say that I want to put a 3 hour movie on a disc, like "heat" or an extended verison of Lord of the Rings. I've got 50 gigs max on blu ray, and 30 gigs max on HD, what happens to the bit rate? It has to be lower per second on HD, no way around it. So, someone could say blu is better.

    Is it really? They are about the same, HD had some features ealry on the blu didn't. In the end, I think the greater space is more important. HD fans of course will disagree.

  3. both are pretty much the same

  4. blue ray is the best because it hold allot more space. There both pretty much the same though.
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